Should I give up???



  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member

    I don't want to put weight on, even if it muscle until I have got down to 130lb, should I quit the exercise and continue the diet until I get to my mini goal of 130lb and then start the exercising again?

    You have your focus all wrong! Do not concern yourself with the number on the scale. Instead concern yourself with the number of inches you are losing. That is what matters! Muscle is good and you should not stop exercising!!!

    Go put your scale IN the freezer. NOW. Leave it there. Continue what you have been doing. Take it out on September 19th at 6 pm. Let it thaw overnight. Step on it the morning of September 20th after peeing/pooping first thing in the morning. Make a note of the results, and report back to this thread. GO, NOW!
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I did the 30 day shred only lost 3.5lbs BUT my body appeared to have lost 10 or so. It is a great workout ans you need to stop worshiping the scale. A couple of things to remember, muscle takes up less space then fat, this workout will firm you up, muscle also will boost your metabolism helping you get to your goal quicker.
  • zta1989
    zta1989 Posts: 36 Member
    I did 30 Day Shred for the first time this morning and am anticipating the same scenario. I took measurements this morning before starting because I didn't want to be discouraged due to muscle mass gain.

    Don't give up!
  • dkfc17
    Especially if you are exercising, use measurements as your ultimate guide for success, not just the scale.
    MACnCHEESEY Posts: 6 Member
    NOOOO!! Don't quit. The more muscle you have, the more fat you'll burn! If you don't work your muscles, your body will eat away at them along with the fat you want to lose while you diet. Forget the scale, use your clothes as a guide for now. Once you trade a few pounds of fat for muscle, you'll melt those other pounds right off just like you did last month and will see the results on the scale. Until then, going up a pound may mean you've lost a few inches! Since you probably don't walk around with the number on your scale on display... focus on how great you're going to look and feel if you keep working out and not on how many pounds you weigh!
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Take measurements. TAKE THEM.

    Not only are you going to start to see changes in your body, that may or may not be scale-related... you're putting your health and fitness at the top of your priority list, and that should be the most important part of all of this. If losing weight is the only reason you're doing this, you might as well quit, because it takes a lot more desire than just a number on the scale to make it stick.
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I noticed your exercise diary is off the charts, how are you doing 60 minutes of 30 day shred with swimming, walking etc. all in one day. You might be adding you workouts wrong and over eating or if you are working out that much you might be under eating and that can cause weight gain too.
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    I'm gonna go ahead and be the *kitten* here today....

    Quit. Because if a little setback is giving you a ton of trouble, and even after tons of advice from this forum, and tons of other threads saying the same thing, you are gonna whine and make excuses, then you aren't gonna make it anyway. If YOU don't have the drive to push through the tough stuff, you'll never hit your goal anyway.

    Losing is when you stop getting up when you get kicked down.

    If I am wrong, and you DO have what it takes.... THEN PROVE IT TO ME AND EVERYONE ELSE, and even more importantly, Prove it to yourself.

    You don't owe anyone on this forum anything. You owe it to you. Either do it, or don't.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    It's water weight. Whenever you take on a new "challenge" to your body, your body will retain water to repair muscle and to store glycogen in the liver and cells. Dieting alone catabolizes lean muscle tissue with is why people stall quickly and stay stalled for a long period of time.

    THIS! ninerbuff is wise... I also agree with the poster you said that you'll go through phases of stalling and gaining and losing - it happens to all of us! I just broke a month long plateau...the whole time I knew my body was still shrinking because my clothes were getting loser but the scale just didn't show it. We all have to remind ourselves from time to time that the number on the scale isn't the be all end all.

    Take some measurements and/or pictures and that'll help you later on when you stall/plateau as it's a good reminder of how far you've come and how the hard work AND PATIENCE does really pay off!

    Do not give up! Keep going and I promise, if you're following the plan, the weight will start coming off again!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Starting a new exercise (especially something like The Shred) will cause water retention until your body gets used to it. Don't get discouraged. You aren't gaining weight from your workout.
  • AimingHighWeighingLow
    I noticed your exercise diary is off the charts, how are you doing 60 minutes of 30 day shred with swimming, walking etc. all in one day. You might be adding you workouts wrong and over eating or if you are working out that much you might be under eating and that can cause weight gain too.

    I do the 30 day shred but I do each level, each day, so I work out for 60 minutes. Then I will do an hour of housework and finish with a swim or yesterday I went to a waterpark and walked around for three hours solid from ride to ride, but put down just one hour because I think the calories are overcalculated for walking.
    On top of this I do ironing and food preparation. So I am getting my exercise in. I like to keep busy, once I sit down I get bored and veer towards the cupboard, for some reason when I am exercising I am not hungry.
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    I'm gonna go ahead and be the *kitten* here today....

    Quit. Because if a little setback is giving you a ton of trouble, and even after tons of advice from this forum, and tons of other threads saying the same thing, you are gonna whine and make excuses, then you aren't gonna make it anyway. If YOU don't have the drive to push through the tough stuff, you'll never hit your goal anyway.

    Losing is when you stop getting up when you get kicked down.

    If I am wrong, and you DO have what it takes.... THEN PROVE IT TO ME AND EVERYONE ELSE, and even more importantly, Prove it to yourself.

    You don't owe anyone on this forum anything. You owe it to you. Either do it, or don't.

    this x6
  • AimingHighWeighingLow
    Okay, well I took measurements a while ago. But didn't do thighs. I did however take a photo of me photo and will do one after. That was what I was going to gage my weight on, but the scales keep calling. I don't feel lighter!

    I was really pushing for a 10lb loss this month because I was going to go on a underwear spree when at the end of the month, but really don't feel like I deserve after this.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Okay, well I took measurements a while ago. But didn't do thighs. I did however take a photo of me photo and will do one after. That was what I was going to gage my weight on, but the scales keep calling. I don't feel lighter!

    I was really pushing for a 10lb loss this month because I was going to go on a underwear spree when at the end of the month, but really don't feel like I deserve after this.

    10 pounds is an awful lot to lose in a single month, especially at your weight.

    Don't decide what you "deserve" based on how much you lose. Honestly, you don't have any real control over that. You rbody's going to do what it's going to do, despite your best efforts.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I noticed your exercise diary is off the charts, how are you doing 60 minutes of 30 day shred with swimming, walking etc. all in one day. You might be adding you workouts wrong and over eating or if you are working out that much you might be under eating and that can cause weight gain too.

    I do the 30 day shred but I do each level, each day, so I work out for 60 minutes. Then I will do an hour of housework and finish with a swim or yesterday I went to a waterpark and walked around for three hours solid from ride to ride, but put down just one hour because I think the calories are overcalculated for walking.
    On top of this I do ironing and food preparation. So I am getting my exercise in. I like to keep busy, once I sit down I get bored and veer towards the cupboard, for some reason when I am exercising I am not hungry.

    Ok, I'm getting nit picky but walking around a water park, food prep and ironing are not exercise.. thats just a part of everyday life!

    Swimming and 30 day shred are exercise.

    As far as your original question goes, if you are going to freak out over 1 pound that doesn't mean anything other then you did something your body is not used too, then yea I'd say quit until your ready to do this without freaking out over every little change that happens to your body.

    Plus, you don't have that much weight to lose.. only 20 pounds. So really you should be looking at between a pound and half a pound a week loss. 2 pounds is a bit much with only 20 pounds left.
  • Rachaelluvszipped
    Rachaelluvszipped Posts: 768 Member
    No keep going!! It will work out in the end...soooooooo promise!!! :flowerforyou:
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    I'm gonna go ahead and be the *kitten* here today....

    Quit. Because if a little setback is giving you a ton of trouble, and even after tons of advice from this forum, and tons of other threads saying the same thing, you are gonna whine and make excuses, then you aren't gonna make it anyway. If YOU don't have the drive to push through the tough stuff, you'll never hit your goal anyway.

    Losing is when you stop getting up when you get kicked down.

    If I am wrong, and you DO have what it takes.... THEN PROVE IT TO ME AND EVERYONE ELSE, and even more importantly, Prove it to yourself.

    You don't owe anyone on this forum anything. You owe it to you. Either do it, or don't.

  • bevskiwolf
    bevskiwolf Posts: 296 Member





    Ignore the scale for ONE WEEK. Keep going. In 7 days, weigh yourself again and we'll talk.


  • AimingHighWeighingLow
    I noticed your exercise diary is off the charts, how are you doing 60 minutes of 30 day shred with swimming, walking etc. all in one day. You might be adding you workouts wrong and over eating or if you are working out that much you might be under eating and that can cause weight gain too.

    I do the 30 day shred but I do each level, each day, so I work out for 60 minutes. Then I will do an hour of housework and finish with a swim or yesterday I went to a waterpark and walked around for three hours solid from ride to ride, but put down just one hour because I think the calories are overcalculated for walking.
    On top of this I do ironing and food preparation. So I am getting my exercise in. I like to keep busy, once I sit down I get bored and veer towards the cupboard, for some reason when I am exercising I am not hungry.

    Ok, I'm getting nit picky but walking around a water park, food prep and ironing are not exercise.. thats just a part of everyday life!

    Swimming and 30 day shred are exercise.

    As far as your original question goes, if you are going to freak out over 1 pound that doesn't mean anything other then you did something your body is not used too, then yea I'd say quit until your ready to do this without freaking out over every little change that happens to your body.

    Plus, you don't have that much weight to lose.. only 20 pounds. So really you should be looking at between a pound and half a pound a week loss. 2 pounds is a bit much with only 20 pounds left.

    I am set at a sedentary level, according to MFP walking (It was a quickened pace continually to get to the rides quick as the children were running ahead all the time even though I walked for 3 hours I only put one hour in), housework, ironing and cooking are all exercises, they all burn calories.

    20lb feels like a lot to me though. I started with 34lb to lose and lost 14lb within a month, which I why I lessened the goal to 10lb as I am aware it can often slow down, which is why I have really been working hard and will continue to, I have cut all coffee, coke, taking in my water that I need to, exercise etc. When I am trying so hard 1lb gain to me is like a kick in the face, sorry if you cannot understand that.
  • starracer23
    starracer23 Posts: 1,011 Member
    I noticed your exercise diary is off the charts, how are you doing 60 minutes of 30 day shred with swimming, walking etc. all in one day. You might be adding you workouts wrong and over eating or if you are working out that much you might be under eating and that can cause weight gain too.

    I do the 30 day shred but I do each level, each day, so I work out for 60 minutes. Then I will do an hour of housework and finish with a swim or yesterday I went to a waterpark and walked around for three hours solid from ride to ride, but put down just one hour because I think the calories are overcalculated for walking.
    On top of this I do ironing and food preparation. So I am getting my exercise in. I like to keep busy, once I sit down I get bored and veer towards the cupboard, for some reason when I am exercising I am not hungry.

    Ok, I'm getting nit picky but walking around a water park, food prep and ironing are not exercise.. thats just a part of everyday life!

    Swimming and 30 day shred are exercise.

    As far as your original question goes, if you are going to freak out over 1 pound that doesn't mean anything other then you did something your body is not used too, then yea I'd say quit until your ready to do this without freaking out over every little change that happens to your body.

    Plus, you don't have that much weight to lose.. only 20 pounds. So really you should be looking at between a pound and half a pound a week loss. 2 pounds is a bit much with only 20 pounds left.

    I am set at a sedentary level, according to MFP walking (It was a quickened pace continually to get to the rides quick as the children were running ahead all the time even though I walked for 3 hours I only put one hour in), housework, ironing and cooking are all exercises, they all burn calories.

    20lb feels like a lot to me though. I started with 34lb to lose and lost 14lb within a month, which I why I lessened the goal to 10lb as I am aware it can often slow down, which is why I have really been working hard and will continue to, I have cut all coffee, coke, taking in my water that I need to, exercise etc. When I am trying so hard 1lb gain to me is like a kick in the face, sorry if you cannot understand that.

    How long did it take you to gain the weight that you want to lose?