C25K W3D1

I was able to do up through W2 just fine.. hit W3 and the very first day that 2.5 minute jog had my chest hurting and feeling like I wasn't going to be able to complete it.
I do not have Asthma.

Was just curious if anyone else hit Week 3 and ran into this?

My plan is to just continue to do W3D1 until I can do it without struggling before moving on to the next day.


  • DancinSMartiPants
    Was it hot? Were you hydrated? Are you getting a chest cold? Was your breathing constricted?
  • ChantalD75
    ChantalD75 Posts: 680 Member
    I did W3 d1 yesterday and I thought my heart was going to come out of my throat... I thought I was going to die!! the last run was hell for me. But I managed to get it done. I am hoping that D2 is better!!! good luck.
  • cmduncan
    I used the approach you mentioned any time a day was difficult. If I couldn't finish it - I didn't. But I didn't count it until I'd done it completely. You'll get it eventually. :-)
  • aunt_hbomb
    I did W3D1 last week and thought it went easier than I expected it to. I've had trouble getting in the 3 days of each week into an actual calendar week so it has taken me about 8-10 days per week. Plus, this is the 3rd time this summer I've had to restart the entire program due to health reasons. I did W3D2 yesterday without any issues. I'd say if you need a 4th or 5th day, by all means take it.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Do the whole week, then repeat. Don't keep doing W3 D1 you will burn out. And try slowing down.
    Your getting to to good ones!! Hooray.
  • LMorrison1009
    LMorrison1009 Posts: 114 Member
    It is hard to make those longer stretches. I couldn't finish. I wasn't able to do it the second time around either. Trying it for the third time tomorrow and if I can complete it I will count it as day 1.
  • shonasteele
    It's amazing what you can do when you pace yourself! I didn't think I'd make 3 minutes and now I'm doing 5 (week 5). Just slow down and have faith that you'll do it, and chances are, you will!

    Incidentally, that's the week I flushed my cigarettes. My chest was ready to explode but it felt so damn good to push myself and accomplish something I didn't think I could do, so I chose running over smoking cuz I got a much better (and healthier) high off it!!! It's tough some days, but totally worth it to run 5 minutes straight. I cried the day I did that the first time!
  • Cmccracken1
    Cmccracken1 Posts: 326 Member
    a lot of people will say that they hit a wall at some point in the program i had several times where i did one day fine and went to do it again and couldnt stay on the day you had trouble with until you kick it's butt. give yourself a rest day before you try again. make sure you drink plenty of water before you run (meaning in the hours before you run not right before you run). stay with it. its a great program I would not be the runner i am today without it..
    Good Luck
  • Fochizzy
    Fochizzy Posts: 505 Member
    Lol, I did it yesterday and it KILLED me. I wasn't even able to do the last 3 minute run. I did 2 minutes, walk, 1 minute, cool down. I am repeating Week 3 Day 1 one more day (tomorrow since you are not supposed to run too many days in a row, today elliptical), and then I will push and try Day 2. If it kicks my butt like Day 1 I will either do Day 1 one more time, or repeat Day 2. But I try and remind myself it is supposed to be hard. So I need to not get lazy. Improvement does not come with complacey
  • KBrenOH
    KBrenOH Posts: 704 Member
    Was it hot? Were you hydrated? Are you getting a chest cold? Was your breathing constricted?

    Hot - No, it was actually quite cool out which was nice!
    Hydrated - oh man yeah -- I topped out at 16 glasses of water (8oz each) with all but 4 of those being gotten in BEFORE the attempt.
    No on the chest cold thankfully and my breathing wasn't constricted either.

    I was able to do W3D1 and D2 on the treadmill last week with no issues at all, but the treadmill is always easier than actual pavement I've found and I did finish D1.
    So try to do D2 tomorrrow when I go for my next jog then.. ok

    Billsica.. love the 8/23/2011 pic in your signature :)
  • vlc1979
    vlc1979 Posts: 227
    - Make sure you have drank more water then you think you should and then drink a little more.
    - Cut down on caffiene or cut it out if you are one that drinks it.
    - Go slower then you think you should. I have read numerous times that new runners should never go faster then a pace in which you could say short sentences
    - If it is too warm it will make your heart rate 10 bpm higher then normal, if it is humid it will add another 10

    You can do this!! I just graduated last Friday and it feels amazing!! I remember when I started a different running class and thought 30 seconds was going to kill me.

    Good Luck!
  • ASPhantom
    ASPhantom Posts: 637 Member
    Add more water the day before your run too. Helps keep you hydrated.

    I have mixed feelings on the "repeat until you get it done" thing. I have read many posts that say do, many posts that say move on.

    Decide for yourself and do it.

    Good Luck and keep it up.
    I am in week 6 and paused yesterday to do my first 5K. Back to week 6 tomorrow!
  • watergirl626
    watergirl626 Posts: 249 Member
    You may have just been having a bad day (not enough sleep, water, food, etc). I'd just try it again. I know I have had days too where my body just hit a wall. I try not to push it on those days because that's when injuries happen. I felt like such a failure when I stopped pushing on one such bad day, but I was able to get right back out there again the next time without issue, so in the long run, it was no big deal. It's good to listen to your body.
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    Week 3 was the most difficult for me and the only week I seriously considered repeating. It's somewhere around week 3 or week 4 that a lot of people get their breathing under control and learn to set a sustainable (and generally slower) pace that doesn't leave them gasping by the end of each running interval. It gets easier after that, or at least the challenges change.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    The first workout for a week is usually going to get you for the fact it's having you do more than you did the last time, so day 1 of any given week can be rough. I just did the 20 minute run for week 5 and made it through OK, so much of this stuff is mental, just need to keep pushing through!

    eta: I have not yet had to repeat anything in the program, have faith in the program that it will prepare you for what it gives you next! Many times you'll die on that first day of a week...but then you gain the strength from pushing yourself and become stronger.
  • cm2two
    cm2two Posts: 194
    Do the whole week, then repeat. Don't keep doing W3 D1 you will burn out. And try slowing down.
    Your getting to to good ones!! Hooray.

  • KBrenOH
    KBrenOH Posts: 704 Member
    Thanks everyone =)
  • KBrenOH
    KBrenOH Posts: 704 Member
    Thanks everyone =)
  • KBrenOH
    KBrenOH Posts: 704 Member
    Thanks everyone =)
  • KBrenOH
    KBrenOH Posts: 704 Member
    Just wanted to update:

    Ran tonight around the neighborhood (in case the rain decided to pour down again). Did W3D2 and took the advice to slow down my pace some. Was able to finish with no problems what so ever.

    Thanks all!