Beat my body for me... or maybe I am doing it myself? (Girls

Ok, so I started a diet about 2 weeks ago and I feel like I am just fighting an uphill battle and my scale is moving BACKWARDS!

I am trying to give myself credit for the fact that I just quit taking birth control because I have had my period for 5 months now... and my doctor said nothing is wrong, it is just the birth control-- which I was on for years... fgdjkghdfjhgkjfdhglfsldgkhsdfjklhgdfjk... and because I am weaning off anti-depressants...

Maybe I should just be happy to stop the weight gain... but I am really angry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

gfjdgkfdnlgjkhdfjkgdf is how I feel! Help!


  • Bellyroll
    YOu should be happ you have taken the first steps to a new you. GO YOU.
  • wutamunkee
    wutamunkee Posts: 440 Member
    Thanks... I love your picture! And you other one with the shelf!!
  • kelly_milner
    Oh yeah that birth control thing.!!! I'm changing mine because I feeel like mine has been too stong. Hope to see some weight loss from that. I am just as frustrated trust me.
  • batesss
    Sometimes we just have to think about the Non-scale victories (NSV). If changing your bc makes you happier, than whatever the side effects are, change it. If weening from your anti-depressants make you feel more in control and better about your mental state then go for it. Diet and exercise are a good decision regardless of the immediate outcomes. Google "Why the scale lies" and feel good about the changes you are making. The scale will follow suit, and if it doesn't, talk to your md. Also make sure you are getting enough food. I know sometimes you are under your goal. Eating all your calories is a good thing. And treating your self is also a very important part of this process. Don't ever deprive yourself, that is when binges happen. It is a long process to really learn how a diet works for you, trust me you will figure out what works and what doesn't. And in the meantime, just be happy with your choices and your NSV.
  • wutamunkee
    wutamunkee Posts: 440 Member
    Thanks everyone for the encouragement.