going to be honest...



  • ritajean3
    ritajean3 Posts: 306 Member
    In all honesty I would try eating small snacks more often rather than boosting up your meals. Like fruits veg and yogurt between meals. Also changing to full cream dairy would help
  • alantin
    alantin Posts: 621 Member
    225 Calories?

    That's my quick breakfast or snack!

    What about the rest of your meals? Dinner? The couple of snacks?
    You should eat about 5-6 times a day so if you eat five times that amount, you'll hit the 1200 mark.

    What is holding you back?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i have been eating less than 800 cals on most days and i workout on top of that (some days just 30day shred and 2x a week i do ellipticals for an hr) and i don't eat back my exercise cals. i have been at the same weight for a month and i know i should bump my intake to 1200 but I'm just so scared of doing that and then gaining all the weight that i have lost back. and today i tried to plan my meal so that i will be as close to 1200 as possible and it seems that no matter what i do I'm coming up to only about 850. I don't know what to do. I know my diary is closed and I'm not comfortable with opening it up to the public.

    What I Ate Today:
    1 pack of low sugar oatmeal (120)
    1/3 skim milk (40)
    1/3 cup of sliced bananas (40)
    1/2 watermelon (25)
    Total: 225

    1 whole wheat english muffin (130)
    1 tb of pb (95)
    Total: 225

    I wasn't even hungry at lunch but i forced myself to eat. oh and i drink anywhere from 6-12 glasses of water a day. no soda or juice of any kind. i have also given up coffee.

    i think when you are at the stage of being scared to eat, you need to see a doctor.
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Starvation and starvation response are not the same thing, as much as you're trying to lump them together here...starvation response does NOT mean when food intake ceases....that is literal starvation, i.e. dying from lack of food. Learn the difference, kthxbye.
    When I read your post, it sounds like you're implying that I'm doing something dastardly…almost like I'm sneaking something into the discussion.

    I'm sorry if that's the case because that's absolutely not my intention. I'm not trying "to lump them together here." because, as I see it, they can't be "lumped together" but they are intimately related.

    It would seem is that "starvation" is the condition and "starvation response" is the body's response to the condition.

    Is that correct? Could you be so good as to explain them to me if that'snot correct?
