losing my mind

I was 356 I am now down to 296, I need to be at 277 by October 27th. I take Phentermine 37.5mg, I spend more money than I have on supplements and excercise aids. I keep my calories below 2300 daily, I workout as much and as hard as I can Gym, Bike rides, axeing, running, sprints. I went from 356 to 307 pretty quick and easy, went from 307 to 296 took me a four months.and have muscled my way down to 296, I feel like this process is going to cost me my marriage, I need to break through, DO i need to eat more calories? Excersice less? Eat even less calories?
I have been reading I need 3000 calories to loose weight for my size, but How then does weight watchers works?


  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    I started this journey at about 310 and was allowed 2200 calories then as my weight went down my allotment went down to just over 2000. In the beginning, and probably for the first six months, I ate every last exercise calorie that I had. So I guess I didn't really answer your question but I think you should maybe go down a couple hundred calories. I would also suggest that you watch your sodium levels just as close, and of course exercise and drink water. I don't know anything about phentermine, but I have done this entire journey WITHOUT any pills or special food.
  • johnlynch47
    What should my sodium levels be? I tried leaning heavy on just eating weight watcher meals but there sodium level scared me off. I guess to ad to my confusing was after a couple of weeks of eating around 1200 calories and exercising like crazy and not seeing any result, i would break down and have some pizza or something naughty, and would lose 5 lbs over night
    And if hear one more skinny person tell me "its calories in calories out" i will lose it for real
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    Hi John:

    The "normal" recommended sodium levels for a man of your age is:

    " For the healthy adult, the USDA Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for Sodium Intake equals no more than 2,400 milligrams of sodium per day, which is just a tad more than a teaspoon of table salt."

    You can track your sodium intake with your food diary. Click on the Settings tab when you're in the "home" page, click on Diary Settings, and then click one of the arrow tabs (sodium is a choice.)

    Why are you taking so many supplements and diet aids? I would spend my money on REAL food .......... buy good quality produce and make healthy meals that will give you the nutrients you need. Take a multi-vitamin, and maybe fish oil or flax oil. You shouldn't need a lot of supplements if you're eating natural foods.

    I'm not a dietician by any stretch of the imagination, but I would think you could reduce your calories....and, as others have said, keep up the exercise and water intake.

    BEST OF LUCK to you!!!!