Horrible Sodium Levels!!



  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    I recently discovered in a article/thread on MFP that a diet high in potassium actually does a better job of counter-acting the effects of a high sodium diet. If you search the threads you'll find them. After reading it, I started tracking potassium and noticed certain foods with high sodium also had the same amount of potassium.

    I was going to mention this. Potassium counters the effects of high sodium because it works with sodium in the body. When you don't have enough potassium, the bad effects get worse. Sodium and potassium drive countless metabolic reactions within the body, and you need both to work.

    Also remember that not all labels have potassium counts, so you will be getting a little more than MFP says you are.
  • TubbsMcGee
    TubbsMcGee Posts: 1,058 Member
    I pay attention more to my sodium levels than my calorie intake.
    By manually setting your sodium intake lower, that should help further motivate you to check the food labels BEFORE consuming the food.
    I don't like to go over the Canadian Food Guide's recommendation of 1500mg a day.

    Avoid processed meats (deli cuts, bacon, etc.), go light on the cheese, choose your breads and pastas wisely.

    Soups are huge offenders, too. No need to snack on crackers with it!

    Also, hot sauces have tonnes of sodium in them. This was incredibly hard for me to wean off of, as I used to drown everything in habenero sauce.

    My salt shaker is also collecting dust...I can't remember the last time I added salt to any of my foods.

    When you have those crazy days when you go above 2000mg + of sodium a day, better be sure to guzzle oodles of water.