Ready for an Overhaul!

Hi All,

My name is Tara and I figure it's about time to take my health seriously! I'm ready for a lifestyle change :) My aim is to educate myself on portion size (a massive weak point), learn to appreciated a balanced diet and maintain an average level of fitness. In the process I'm hoping to lose some of those unwanted kgs.

I'm not a 'sweet' person, my weakness is savoury food and anything salty! My family are massive overeaters and I'm really going to struggle to kick that habit.

Feel free to add me and we can motivate each other and celebrate our achievements! :happy:


  • vees89
    I am totally with you on not being a "sweets" person, I'm MUCH rather have a big bag of potato chips! My family is actually the opposite of yours; my dad was an athlete in Bosnia (where I'm from), my mom is super petite, my brothers were both athletes, are police officers, and take weight off super fast! I'm like the black sheep of the family and I'm completely with you on the portion issue. A big problem is the fact that in America NOTHING is served in portions and with us eating out so much we're used to those portion sizes so we don't know what a true portion size is. I've just really started looking at portion sizes and it's so surprising! Even something as simple as can only have 3/4 of a cup of even like the Special K!!! I wish you the best of luck and look forward to hearing how you are progressing!
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    a tip for portion control? save the microwave dishes lean cuisines (or any) come in and use them to portion your meals until you get the habit. Use the biggest section for veggies.
    in restaurants, ask for a doggie box with your food - divide it in half & box it up BEFORE you eat.