Anyone else on beta blockers??

I have been on 40mg of Nadolol since May 2009 for SVT. Yesterday my doctor said I can try cutting down to 20mg to see if that maintains control of the SVT but helps with getting fitter.

Does anyone else here take beta blockers and/or have experience or knowedge re how much these pills lower your metabolic rate and ability to build fitness?


  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    I have been on 50 mg metoprolol for my hbp since 2001. In that time I have been on various diets, lost 50 pounds on WW and 40 on Nutrisystems. I gained it back out of my own stupidity. But the meds had no effect on my ability to lose weight.
  • I was weaned off of nadalol about a month ago after being on it for 20 plus years. I can honestly say that some things are easier -- it takes my leg muscles much less time to "warm up" when I start my walk, and I haven't noticed that dead feeling in my muscles as much when I push hard. I took beta blockers for mitral valve prolapse symptoms, though, and in some ways I miss the steadying effect they had on my heart rate. I sometimes feel shaky in the mornings, and caffeine has a more pronounced effect on me. I don't get out of breath as quickly as I did on the nadalol, although coming off of it hasn't been a magic bullet in that regard. I think I need to work on breath control -- I think I could do better on that than I currently do.
  • songofserenity81
    songofserenity81 Posts: 138 Member
    I was on propranalol for about 8 years for my high blood pressure and migraines,but had to come off them about 8 to 6 months ago because I was getting incredibly cold hands and feet. This was in part the tablets but a bigger part was all the weight I have been able to get rid of. Thinking about it the migraines/headaches have reduced in frequency as well....not gone totally yet but no way near as often as they were. I cant say I really noticed a difference in my ability to exercise while taking them, other than potentially having to work harder to get my heart rate up with it being kept lower by the meds.