On crutches...

I have done some real damage to my knee. I will hopefully find out exactly what i have done later today as i have a hospital appointment. I really enjoy exercise and this was my motivation. I am now struggling not to give in to bad food as i am feeling sorry for myself. Crutches are such a pain. Anyone else been through something before? How did u stop urself going off track? Think i just need a kick up the bum...so feel free to start kicking = )


  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    Crutches are a great workout for your triceps and upper body. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and keep moving forward, you CAN do this.
  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    Just watch what you eat and let your injury heal. Then get back to you workouts. If you don't heal, you can't workout.
  • SouthernBell86
    SouthernBell86 Posts: 275 Member
    Yeah, I actually am on crutches right now too, with a sprained ankle :( It sucks! But you can still lift weight and do shadow boxing and stuff.

    If you don't have some already get some weights for the house, do some lifting. Get a shadow boxing tutorial. The crutches do provide a decent workout already, but this will feel like exercise on purpose. You can do all kinds of stuff sitting down!

    Don't let this throw you off course though! You cane make it through! : D