slowly but surely...

I have been doing MFP for 2 weeks now and I have been down in the dumps because I don't feel like I am losing like I should be or like I'm getting anywhere with it, but I weighed in this morning and I am down 7lbs.. I know that's not a lot but it is to me, I feel awesome, I feel like baby weight is the hardest to get off(recently)after having my son I gained more than when I was pregnant with him and I knew I had to do something about.. and I am also wondering why I put in my new weight and it will say one pound less ormore than what I put?


  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    It rounds up or down. If you lost 1.4 pounds it rounds to 1. If you lost 1.6 pounds it will bump up to 2 pounds. And 7 pounds in 2 weeks is a lot! The maximum healthy loss is 2 lbs per week so that is a great loss at 3.5 lbs per week!!!
  • jerzi21
    Okay I wasn't sure why it did that, thank you! And thank you, I have cheated here and there(having kids is hard not to while fixing them snack) and I was surprised I wasn't gaining.. which I've tried not to snack on their snacks whule making it but its hard for me because I love food...hehe... but I'm glad to hear that's a good number, I just hope it stays the same going down for a while because I know last time after so much it was harder to lose it.
  • SexyCook
    SexyCook Posts: 2,253 Member
    You should definitely be Screaming with Excitement...Thats a lot much...Slow is the best way to do it and we all know water weights falls off before the true weight....Please learn to appreciate the small losses because they will come and they are Just as Exciting as the others..This is a lifestyle not a race..Be proud....Enjoy your success
  • jerzi21
    Thank you :) I was just telling one of my friends that I will take whatever i can get... I'm proud of my self,because last time I took diet pills and this time I'm doing it on my own, so I'm trying my hardest to stick with it... thank you again!
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