Knee Injury :(

And I really want to be more active. Please help me find ways to exercise with one leg!!!


  • smilebhappy
    smilebhappy Posts: 811 Member
    Hi there!

    What kind of knee injury do you have???
    I also have a bum knee & some exercises do bother it more than others.
    You could probably do any kind of low-impact exercises....have you tried a walking dvd (Leslie Sanasone has good ones)
    or try the elliptical. Hope these help some ;)

    Have a great day!
  • CaliGirl313
    you can leg press one leg.....
  • mfmenchi
    I had patellar and quadricep tendonitis a couple months ago. To stay active I did abs and arm exercises, as well as stretching and exercises for my knee.
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    I hurt my knee (training injury, running) back in May and it still gives me problems. I was on crutches and had to take it easy for awhile, so I did alot of boxing and when the knee was a bit better, biking on a stationary bike (boring!). Also you'd be surprised there's actually a "walking with crutches" under the exercise section. I would hobble down to the end of the street and back, quite a workout. Hope it feels better soon!
  • shell13maye
    I had a motorcycle accident in 2008 and I injured my right knee pretty badly. I have times were just getting up and to work is a challenge. If you have access to a pool walking in the pool and or swimming as tolerated is an awesome way to burn calories, tone and keep you on track. A stationary bike, as tolerated, has worked well for me too.
    I also started Cortisone injections which really help me deal with the sometimes debilitating, chronic pain I now have.
    Good luck!
  • Tegan74
    Tegan74 Posts: 202
    depends on the knee injury ~ I'd check with a dr before doing too much just to keep from making it worse
  • saffronblue
    saffronblue Posts: 79 Member
    Thanks you guys! I love the walking with crutches workout idea! Hah! It just goes to show, it's more about determination than anything else, I guess!
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    Get a resistance band. Lots of exercises you can do with one of those that won't hurt your knee.
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    swimming! message me if you are interested in some ideas in the pool...
  • dvankuiken
    dvankuiken Posts: 67 Member
    I agree. Swimming really helps with a knee injury. I have injured both of my knees in two separate motorcycle accidents. Swimming has done wonders!
  • saffronblue
    saffronblue Posts: 79 Member
    Guess what? I started the first two weeks by using the recumbent bike, and that was fine, slow at first, and gradually added resistance and speed. It was a matter of building muscles in my leg to support my knee.
    After the first day of exercise, I slept better and the pain was much lighter. It has improved so much, I am not close to running yet, and have to be very careful, but I can do the elliptical!
    As far as swimming, I am not a good swimmer.
    When I lose 20 pounds I am going to get some prescription goggles and teach myself to do laps!
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    When I was 12 I was hit by a truck and it shattered the cartilidge in my knees, the elliptical is my best friend