P90X and Fat



  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    Interesting replies. Thanks to all. I am definitely looking to get healthier - not just shrink the number on the scale. I am interested in strength training for sure. But I've also read that *generally* people cut weight or build muscle. I know that's not absolute, but roughly speaking, isn't that true? I do know that skinny guys who are bulking up will put on weight while building muscle, get to desired strength/size, then cut fat down. But it's usually sequential like that.

    I do understand that strength training does not mean bulking up, that muscle helps metabolism, building strength is a healthier body. I'm all for a balanced approach, but wanted to focus on weight loss first, then strength. Again, not saying I would completely avoid strength training during weight loss.
    I've done 5 rounds of P90x and it melts the fat away. Do no do the Lean schedule, you will get much better results by doing the Classic version and lifting 3 times a week. Please do not do the LEAN, it was an after thought and not how the program was designed.

    Tim - I am curious about your statement above. Do you have any links/references to support that assertion?
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    The first week was tough due to the caffeine withdrawal
    Please explain.
  • 8rules
    8rules Posts: 169
    I guarantee if you do P90X and eat even half decent food you will lose fat. You couldn't possibly avoid it.

  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    I did the classic version, just finished it officially though I'm dragging it out until this weekend.

    I lost approximately 17-18lbs during it. I had been active here and there before p90x (boot camp class 3 times a week, play soccer every Sunday) but nothing like p90x.

    The first month, I don't think I lost any weight. I was frustrated but everyone kept telling me to push forward. Glad I did!!! Weight started coming off 2nd month and most definately during my last month. I have muscles in my arms, I feel SO SO confident in the ability of my body, and I can now jog for 2 miles straight (I have NEVER been a runner). I LOVE p90x and what it did for me. I feel like a pretty bad *kitten* for finishing it too.

    I am not at goal weight still. I did get discouraged when I'd search for before and afters and most people were already lean, somewhat fit or at the most 10-15lbs over. Again, glad I kept with it.

    I am doing Insanity next and hope to lose a little bit more weight. Once that's done, back to p90x I will go to finish off my buffness.
  • AndreSF
    AndreSF Posts: 84 Member
    You can burn a ton of fat with P90X... not sure why people insist that ONLY cardio workouts are good for weight loss. The point about P90X not specifically targeting weight loss is correct, but through building muscles you should lose fat. Don't be afraid of using heavier weights either! Check info on ChaLean extreme too...

    Good luck!
  • 8rules
    8rules Posts: 169
    You can burn a ton of fat with P90X... not sure why people insist that ONLY cardio workouts are good for weight loss. The point about P90X not specifically targeting weight loss is correct, but through building muscles you should lose fat. Don't be afraid of using heavier weights either! Check info on ChaLean extreme too...

    Good luck!

    P90X provides periodization, weekly increase in difficulty, warm up, cool down, elevated heart rate through almost any workout, recovery days with recovery level workouts.

    If you are going to choose ONE exercise regimen to lose weight, it is an almost ideal choice for a guided regimen.

    Anyone who puts it down as a fat loss workout, does not understand fat loss. P90X works multiple aspects of fitness, all in exhausting intervals if you push yourself. I was, for a while, doing a P90X at lunch every day and losing weight to great effect. I just got sick of that Tony guy LOL Some people love him though.
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    Thanks guys, I really appreciate the insight/ input.

    A friend of mine said that I should still be adding cardio on top of this 4 times a week as it's cardio aspect is lacking. Does anyone else do this? After working out for an hour doing P90X I can't see myself having the time or energy to go hit the trails for another 30 - 60 minutes four of the seven days.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Thanks guys, I really appreciate the insight/ input.

    A friend of mine said that I should still be adding cardio on top of this 4 times a week as it's cardio aspect is lacking. Does anyone else do this? After working out for an hour doing P90X I can't see myself having the time or energy to go hit the trails for another 30 - 60 minutes four of the seven days.

    I added extra cardio every now and then but it wasn't necessary. And my cardio was just for fun such as a bike ride in the evening, a walk in a park etc. Like you said, after my workouts, I was BEAT. So this was only when I had the extra energy.

    I never used my stretch day for stretching. In the beginning I used it as rest day then towards the 2nd half I started hiking that day. It became a ritual. It helped with the soreness some how and I burned alot of extra calories for the week.
  • AndreSF
    AndreSF Posts: 84 Member
    Thanks guys, I really appreciate the insight/ input.

    A friend of mine said that I should still be adding cardio on top of this 4 times a week as it's cardio aspect is lacking. Does anyone else do this? After working out for an hour doing P90X I can't see myself having the time or energy to go hit the trails for another 30 - 60 minutes four of the seven days.

    P90X is not lacking anything... there is no magic program, but P90X has most elements needed for success IMO. It's not set in stone either, so you could throw more cardio/HIIT (Insanity, Turbo Fire, Cardio routines from P90X One on One, etc.) into it if so desire.

    Good luck!
  • adross3
    adross3 Posts: 606 Member
    Own it......Loved it........It took me down to 11% body fat, but did not give me the size that my freeweights did. P90X full program is not for beginners unless you modify. Modification is good. Trust me....I even modified. It is intense and you will loose weight. P90X gives you everthing you need to achieve your goals depending on your percentage of body fat and physical abilities. If you continue and do 2 cycles of P90X you will see results and change your body.

    My gym routines are now incorporated with P90X. Ab Ripper X. Hate it, but I love it. I do 11X25 now every other day. I started with 10X, 12X, 14X, 16X, 18X and so on until 25X. I love doing my abs now. Thank you Tony.
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    Thanks again guys. I am going to put my trust into this insane program. lol Let's hope for the best. I question whether I have the stamina to even get through one full DVD. :P

    I think I am going to start it Saturday now. I am riding tonight and won't have time tomorrow.