fastest weight loss?



  • bdur76
    bdur76 Posts: 155 Member
    You can lose weight quickly by doing things the right way. I have lost 111 lbs since the beginning of May. I've accomplished this by first having a lot of weight to lose. I started at 360lbs, and just from getting off the couch and walking 30 minutes a night, and logging my calories, first with Weight watchers and then here on mfp, I managed to lose 23lbs in the first two weeks and 43lbs in the first month. Now, I was very obese, so I never ate my exercise calories and for me that has greatly sped up my weight loss.

    I still eat, most days right now two meals a day, but in the beginning usually three. I pushed my body to the limit with each workout. I kept pushing my body to move faster, do more challenging walks, go up hills. I increased my distance regularly, up to the point that I walk 5 miles at a time now. I'm currently on week 4 of C25K, so I'm starting to run. I realize that the key to continuing to drop weight in chunks is by continuing to challenge my body. I can't get comfortable, I can't get complacent, I can't forget to log something I ate. I am diligent and motivated and that is what is making me successful!

    This is a lifestyle change for me. I now eat consciously and can't wait for my exercise time. I've recently stopped walking every day and began walking four days and doing weight training the other 3. I was nervous at first, but the weight has continued to fall off.

    I guess the point I'm trying to make is that fast weight loss is possible! I work a full time job and have an hour commute to/from work each day. I am married and have a three year old son, I cook almost everyday. I do not have a personal trainer, I do not have a dietitian or a nutritionist to tell me what to eat. I made a decision to be a healthier me, and now am following through on executing the plan I created!

    It is possible!
    Good Luck!
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    Edgar Cayce recommended drinking a small glass of grape juice (like shot size) before every meal and before bed...maybe try that (I'm going to buy some grape juice today to start...I think it needs to be legit grape juice though...not the sugar water stuff).

    He also recommended lemon n your water.

    I've read that hypnotherapy can help.

    what is that supposed to do

    I don't remember the reason behind the lemon water right now, but the grape juice was supposed to supply your body with a certain amount/type of sugar and sweetness that would curve hunger and desire for unhealthy food. I think it also regulates your digestive system as well. :)
  • Edithrenee
    Edithrenee Posts: 546 Member
    You can lose weight quickly by doing things the right way. I have lost 111 lbs since the beginning of May. I've accomplished this by first having a lot of weight to lose. I started at 360lbs, and just from getting off the couch and walking 30 minutes a night, and logging my calories, first with Weight watchers and then here on mfp, I managed to lose 23lbs in the first two weeks and 43lbs in the first month. Now, I was very obese, so I never ate my exercise calories and for me that has greatly sped up my weight loss.

    I still eat, most days right now two meals a day, but in the beginning usually three. I pushed my body to the limit with each workout. I kept pushing my body to move faster, do more challenging walks, go up hills. I increased my distance regularly, up to the point that I walk 5 miles at a time now. I'm currently on week 4 of C25K, so I'm starting to run. I realize that the key to continuing to drop weight in chunks is by continuing to challenge my body. I can't get comfortable, I can't get complacent, I can't forget to log something I ate. I am diligent and motivated and that is what is making me successful!

    This is a lifestyle change for me. I now eat consciously and can't wait for my exercise time. I've recently stopped walking every day and began walking four days and doing weight training the other 3. I was nervous at first, but the weight has continued to fall off.

    I guess the point I'm trying to make is that fast weight loss is possible! I work a full time job and have an hour commute to/from work each day. I am married and have a three year old son, I cook almost everyday. I do not have a personal trainer, I do not have a dietitian or a nutritionist to tell me what to eat. I made a decision to be a healthier me, and now am following through on executing the plan I created!

    It is possible!
    Good Luck

    Wow that is totaly amazing! how do you find time to do the exercise if you are on full time in everything? I have to congratulate you on your success and yes you are and inspiration. Im proud of you, and your children are to i know even if they dont know what it is all about (dont know there ages).
    But you are amazing!
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    Stop drinking ALL alcohol, absolutely no junk food (chips, peanuts soft drinks, etc.) and get rid of your dinner plate and eat your dinner on a breakfast plate.
    First week you will lose 5 lbs........ 2nd week you will lose another 5 lbs.
    Just try it for 2 weeks to prove you can do it! Then you will see you can change the way you eat. Also add more fresh fruit to your eating as snacks.
    I did and I have lost 45 lbs since April 1 2011 and I will lose another 40 lbs by March 2012.

    you have seperate plates for dinner and breakfast??? must be rich folk