Low Calorie week, High Calorie weekend?

Hello There!

With the help of MFP, I was able to achieve my goal weight and I am now just focused on maintaining (hooray!). I think that some of you would agree that this can be a confusing transition! What I find myself currently doing is eating about 1400 calories on weekdays and then letting myself eat "whatever-within-reason" on the weekends (about 1800-2500 calories). I suppose that my thought process is that I am eating at a deficit during the week, but making up for it on the weekend. Of course, this just make sense in my head and is not rooted in any kind of real world logic.

So far, it seems to be working, and I am maintaining about 128 pounds (give or take a couple) on a medium, 5' 6.5" frame. I want to make sure that I am not losing anymore, but I am not sure that this is the healthiest way to be distributing my calories..?

Would it be better to just simply eat my maintenance calories everyday (about 1700)? The reason that I like the current method is that I don't have to stress about weekend counting and begin overly stressed if there are weekend events. I still workout 7 days a week (not like maniac, I am only taking long walks/short jogs 20-30 minutes a day) to maintain a decent activity level and keep some calories from sticking.

Any thoughts?

yesIeatmyexercisecalories ; )


  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    If what you're doing is working for you - then keep doing it. If it isn't working, then change things up until you hit on something that DOES work.

    It's all about learning what YOUR body wants and needs. It doesn't matter what any of us think or say -- just concentrate on the things that make your body happy (and you'll have long term success at this!).

    Congrats on hitting your goal weight and moving into maintenance! :)
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    If it is working for you, keep doing it! It isn't like you are starving yourself during the week or completely gorging yourself on the weekend. I think that is actually what I will do when I get to my goal weight.
  • jowings
    jowings Posts: 157 Member
    Thanks for the feedback, ladies! I think your are both right: it's all about balance. I will just keep on trucking and adjust as needed :).