Polar FT4 - Not Burning Many Calories



  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    I'm the opposite fo Glos1976... since I got my FT4, I seem to be burning more Calories than MFP advises, but I think I have quite a high heart rate when working out, yet a low resting heart rate :happy:

    I've very happy with my FT4, but after only a week... I think I'll let you know better in a month or two :bigsmile:
  • RedRage00
    RedRage00 Posts: 26 Member
    I just bought me a Polar FT4 and I'm exciting to see what it gives me on the elliptical compared to what MFP usually gives me which I know probalby isn't the most accurate.

    I ran 4 miles on the treadmill yesterday with the FT4 and it was REALLY close to what MFP gave me. My HR monitor said I burned 595 calories while MFP said 603. I ran pretty much a slow 11 minute mile, but I used the 11.5 minute mile on MFP. I'm a guy at 200 pounds so it's about 150 calories per mile which is what I've always used when running so it seems pretty accurate for running.

    Anyway, I've only used it once! haha It's weird that I want to go exercise just to use it LOL

    btw, I'm usually on the elliptical an hour at 10 resistance and MFP says I burn like 800 calories. I want to see what the FT4 says.