Scale wont budge....



  • michedarnd
    michedarnd Posts: 207 Member
    Let guess... you have your goal at 1200 and you don't always eat that much --- and you set your weightloss goal at 2lb a week and you only have about 20 to lose?

    If that sounds familiar --- you are eating too little. Change your goals to 1/2lb or 1lb a week and see what happens.

    ^^^^^This^^^^^ I looked at a week or two and you rarely eat your exercise calories.....try it, just for one week and see what happens!!!!

    Exactly. Remember that you are already set up for a significant calorie deficit. Take it over 800-1000/day, and you launch starvation mode -- which causes your body to store EVERYTHING that it can as fat -- which is self-defeating, to say the least. Don't exceed your recommended calorie deficit (already set up with your calorie goal). If you've launched starvation mode, it may take exceeding your calorie goal for a while to kick-start your body back.

    Good luck!
  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    Mine hasn't budged in about three or four months, but just today someone said, "Wow, you are looking great. You must really be working hard." And I am. It's just not showing on the scale, it's showing on my body. It is very frustrating, but comments like that are what keep me going.