Everyone Poops! Well except me



  • wendibartel
    Wait, so females poop???? I thought that they didnt'! Oh wow, I'm so shocked now.

    Haha! There is a book at our zoo that is titled "Everyone Poops".
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    I don't generally have any problems with being constipated, but when I do, I find exercise helps a lot. Running in particular. Just don't run too far away from home! LOL
  • minnie86
    Maybe drinking lots of water, eating lots of fruit, and mayvbe cutting back on things that make you constipated, like cheese. However, I would try it for a bit, but if it doesn't work, you should definetely express your concerns to your doctor and find the best solution. I am sure there are some more natural ways you could discuss with him.
  • luvnlife6
    luvnlife6 Posts: 44 Member
    You should try Trim - Maxx herbal tea. It's very good. Works for me. It's advertised as a weight lost tea but it's really for constipation. I drink it every time around 9:30 pm and I'm ready to go around 7:30 - 8:00 am. I've gotten so addicted to this tea that I see it as my nightly treat. It's sold at Vitamin World or online.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Greek yogurt is what does the trick for me.

    The probiotics in it help keep things moving a long at a nice pace.
  • kklindsey
    kklindsey Posts: 382 Member
    Oh they poop they just don't fart....I think they quif?
    no we don't poop and we don't fart, in public. My husband always asks #1. Why on earth would you hold a fart in? and #2 How on earth do you hold a fart in without EXPLODING? lol
  • inammorata
    Try Fiber Choice chewables.
  • BeSexy
    I use to go couple times a week. SInce I started on Shakeology over 2 years ago, I noticed the first week that it worked with this... I started going everyday. sometimes twice a day. Now, 2 years later.... still regular... sometimes 3 x's a day.
  • raynalisa
    raynalisa Posts: 56 Member
    Have you tried Senna tea? Its natural and may help. Ditto on the probiotics. Keeping all the good bugs in the gut really helps with regularity.