
Many of the "fad" diets are all about taking a fiber supplement about a half hour before eating. This makes you feel fuller and you will eat less. I guess my question is if anyone has tried this? I have been doing some supplements the last two days at lunch time and feel like I am starving by the time supper roles around. I am not over eating at supper, and I am still on target by eating below my caloric intake level.
Is it a myth that feeling hungry means your metabolism is working?

Just wondering if anyone else has tried this and what you have noticed....:flowerforyou:


  • cfppro
    Fiber supplements have never made me feel full, but eater fiber rich food does. I always try to tell myself that hunger means I'm losing weight just to motivate myself.
  • Jenna70
    Jenna70 Posts: 130 Member
    I have not heard of this "fiber fad" but it sounds questionable. I think you would be better off just eating larger amounts of fiber rich vegetables which should fill you up without a high calorie count. Also, consider eating more frequently. Just alter the amount consumed at each sitting to equal your recommended calorie intake. I believe eating more frequently keeps the metabolism in higher gear. Also, to increase your metabolism add (or increase) strength training because the more muscle you have the more fat your body will burn even sitting still.
  • melnewman
    No this does not work, too much fiber in your diet is just as bad as taking in too much. basically fiber helps you to have bowel movements. if they are daily you are good to go, it not then fiber away. PROTEIN, Protein, and protein helps you stay full longer. Also you do not have to starve yourself to lose weight.
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    I take a fiber supplement because I don't usually get enough fiber any other way, but I don't think it's a good idea as a food replacement or inhibitor. I agree with melnewman - make sure you have some type of protein every time you eat and you'll do fine.
  • nicehormones
    nicehormones Posts: 503 Member
    You should eat your fiber instead. Try 100 whole wheat/grain foods. You can get these from bread and cereal. Also, Fiber One has yogurt that has 20% of your daily value for only 50 cals, as well as brownies that are only 90 cals (and really tasty if you zap them in the microwave for 10 seconds). All of these taste good and keep me full; I exceed my fiber goal every day by eating these things.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    Yes it works for me. I try to get at least 30 grams of fiber through my natural food sources, but I also take a big glass of psyllium fiber (metamucil is what I use) as a snack when I am feeling extra extra hungry and feel that I might be at risk of over eating. There is absolutely nothing wrong with going over the fiber amount that MFP sets for you BTW... The only time too much fiber is bad for the average person is if you make a sudden drastic change in your fiber intake, or if you are taking fiber supplements without enough water.