In a "I am not THAT unhappy with my weight" kinda mood

Ever since this past Labor Day weekend I have been kinda out of control with my eating again. I start to feel bad but then I tell myself, I don't look that bad...My hubby loves me like I am. I do this all the time. I need to get past this! Does anyone else have this problem on occasion?


  • I know what you mean. Sometimes I look at myself and go "damn" i'm not half bad looking! LOL

    but then sometimes I'm like....."geez look at my stomach!"

    I think it depends what time of the month it is too. When I ovulate I think I'm sexy but when I'm on TOM I think i'm fat and ugly
  • Is your BMI in the "overweight" category? One of my biggest motivations is knowing I'm not healthy and that I could really have serious medical problems as I get older if I don't snap out of it right now. Just remember you want to grow old with your hubby!
  • JeNn45nFiT
    JeNn45nFiT Posts: 125 Member
    Ever since this past Labor Day weekend I have been kinda out of control with my eating again. I start to feel bad but then I tell myself, I don't look that bad...My hubby loves me like I am. I do this all the time. I need to get past this! Does anyone else have this problem on occasion?

    Oh my gosh! I do this all the time!! I say my friends, my hubby, alot of people don't think I am fat, they say I look great! So I have let that hold me back several times, just by making that excuse! BUT I don't feel good about me, and I need to do this for ME! I am not happy about the size I wear, or how I feel, I want to have more energy and feel great in my own skin!

    Just wanted you to know you aren't the only one that has thought that same thing over and over! Hang in there!!! :flowerforyou:
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I do, especially if I step on the scale and it's a lower number than I'm used to. Sometimes, my mentality is, "wow, i've never been this thin, now i can go eat _______." But then it occurs to me (sometimes then sometimes later) that I got fat because of eating all that crap, and when the scale goes back up after I eat bad for a few days, it links in my head that the bad eating causes the weight gain.
    But you should think of it like you want to look "not that bad" or "hot"???? I don't think I look too bad right now either, but I know I could look even better! Maybe set mini goals for yourself so you have more motivation to keep going rather than stall.
  • 6heatherb6
    6heatherb6 Posts: 469 Member
    Only for the past 30 years.....:ohwell:
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    yes...i'm slimmer than I was weight went on fast and when i bought the trousers that I am in now I could have cried because I really didnt want to be that size (I was still on the way up) so I have to remind myself that THAT size was not good a year ago and its not good now that i'm on the way down
  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    Ever since this past Labor Day weekend I have been kinda out of control with my eating again. I start to feel bad but then I tell myself, I don't look that bad...My hubby loves me like I am. I do this all the time. I need to get past this! Does anyone else have this problem on occasion?

    I feel like this ALL the time. And whenever I do I remember the feeling I have when I see a thin but curvy chick with a really nice bum & flat abs! I always feel so envious & say to myself "THAT is what I want to have again". Remembering this usually helps kick start my motivation, even if just for the next meal.
  • teacherspet1
    teacherspet1 Posts: 142 Member
    Can you get into those jeans yet? Measure your success in different will be much happier with those jeans making a good fit than convincing yourself you look good in the mirror........catching an unexpected glance in a shop window can bring us down to earth with a bump rather than holding our tums in and posing at the right angle......We all do it mate, then we regret it later. Keep up the new recipe Ideas for the family and take it all as part of your new lifestyle. HOPE THIS HELPS.....GOOD LUCK
  • aecmagn
    aecmagn Posts: 30 Member
    A guy who does personal training once told me about a "cure" for what he calls "weight contentment."
    Do one of these asap:
    Go to a department store or the mall and try on clothes. Look at them in the 3-way mirror.
    Go to your closet and try on clothes from when you were thinner.
    Go put on your bathing suit. Look at yourself in the mirror. Take your picture.
    Go meet an old friend from high school or college.
    Go to the gym with the smallest shorts you can find, and make it the busiest part of the day.
    Sit at a busy bar, on a stool, where you can be seen by people around you. Cross your legs, look at your waist and if you have a skirt on, your thighs.
    Thnk about the next holiday, whom you will see and what you will wear. Especially if you will meet old coworkers or classmates.
    I guess the idea is to do something that makes you as uncomfortable as possible, and it immediately snaps you out of the scene your mind is playing with you. the bathing suit does it every single time for me.
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,210 Member
    Yep. When I finished college in June, I'd lost a load of weight and I think being on holiday got to my head! lol we didn't go away but I was just 'eating' and then about 3lb went back on.. I lost it, then it went back on then I lost it.. you get the pattern till I realised it was August and I was still trying to lose that damn 3lb again!

    I guess all you can do is re-evaluate your desire, make a mood board, a mental image of where you want to be by October, by Xmas whatever just to get you in the right frame of mind. If you NEED a break then make it a relatively healthy one and keep weighing.. don't ignore those scales. And set yourself a date to start again.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Uhh.. all the damn time. I've always had a hard time with the fact that I won't let my size define me. But then I get really big and it becomes really clear that I've not taken care of myself.

    At some point I developed what I consider a pretty healthy level of disappointement and dissatisfaction. And I just have to kinda teeter in that half in/half out place between it and confidence to stay on track. Because- I also know that if I get too down on myself I'll give up. It's quite the mind fu@k really... point is, yes, I know how you feel, and you just gotta push through those moments and remember that you deserve to be more healthy, which probably means losing weight.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    You don't have to be "unhappy" in order to want to make improvements. If you aren't that motivated, just make small changes. Eat things you like, don't deprive yourself, set your weekly goal low, a half pound a week so you can eat as much as possible while still making progress. Find a workout you like, have fun with, look forward to. Eat your exercise calories.

    I'm in pretty good shape. Really happy from the waist up. Just need a little tweaking so I take it really easy. I eat a lot. I do enjoy working out though.
  • cupotee
    cupotee Posts: 181 Member
    I get that too! when i'm eating out with my friends, if they order dessert, i always catch myself fishing for complements (e.g OMG i'm so fat, and then they'll go: OMG no ur sooo skinny, yadayada standard girl talk) so that i'll feel better about pigging out. Have yet to find a solution :( maybe wear really tight pants?
  • I am at that point right now. I'm the lowest weight I've ever seen on a scale (didn't own one in college, so it could've been lower). Since I hit a plateau, I've begun to wonder if I should give up and stay here, maybe this is just where my body is naturally happy.

    I think I will go try that bathing suit trick though, which should motivate me.
  • Jem97
    Jem97 Posts: 53 Member
    all of the time. I have been on and off dieting for probably two years, but ill be doing good and suddenly think his doesnt really matter, im beautiful just the way i am, then i eat, and look at myself as fat and ugly again. Even when i remember that i am overweight for my height i rationalize it, even though i know im not muscular or anything. it drives me insane.