Forget the Gimmicks

Hi all. I am in this for the LONG haul. I have been overweight my entire life. I have tried every diet out there including weight loss surgery. I recently had discovered the ancient secret of loosing weight! Are you ready?? EAT LESS CALORIES THAN
YOU BURN. If your like me you read that and go DUH but I just realized that myself and all those diets are useless if they don't help you to accomplish that one thing. So having finally realized this I think i am ready to begin this commitment and this long journey to loose my 200 pounds of excess weight! I did not come to weigh 300+ pounds in sixteen weeks so i am not going to loose that extra 200 in 6 weeks.

As we all know saying this and doing it are on different planets (maybe different galaxies LOL) so i am hoping to get a ton (no pun intended) of support from others like me that have finally decided to forget the gimmicks and and get back to basics.


  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    Good for you! Of course it's never quite as simple as you think, but maintaining a (sensible) net calorie deficit, reasonably nutritional balance and increasing movement will definitely be a winner in the long run.

    The support here is great and you will learn a lot and knowledge is power!

    Good luck!
  • loseatonlady
    Good for you & friend me if you'd like - I've been in your shoes and I'm in this for the long haul too! Don't be afraid to call on your MFP friends for support & encouragment along the way! We're here for you!!!
  • mrsbrown2k1
    You can do it. Sounds like your are in the right frame of mind! Stay focused, stay motivated and we are all here for the support. If you fall, just pick yourself up and keep going. Each day is a new day. : )