


  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    So are you noticing your arms and legs toning while staying the same weight? Maybe you should not worry about the number on the scale as much - are you taking measurements?
  • catjrow3
    catjrow3 Posts: 681 Member
    Thought I would pop in with a suggestion that worked for me. I went on a 9 month plateau, horrible. I exercised 6 days a week, would eat more for a while, tried eating less, nothing! Then I tried calorie cycling and it broke the plateau. Its not fast weight loss, but it confused my body enough that the metabolism kicked in again?? I wear a body bugg too, and that did nothing to help me break the plateau. Great, I am burning 3000 calories a day, and I ate 1500 and I still did not lose weight... so its not the total answer if you cannot get it moving again....

    Calorie cycling, like JUDDD, or Fast 5, you eat your maintenance level on an UP DAY (UD) and you eat a very low calorie day the next (DD) down day, like around 500 calories. Does not matter what you eat, just within your range, and you alternate. It finally broke mine and it was a terrible one to budge. Just thought I would share incase you wanted to try it. You can google JUDDD for more information on it if you are interested in the idea! Its only one day of low calorie, followed by a high calorie, for me its 2500, but its based on your weight/activity, etc... Good luck! I know how stressful it is, and I hope you figure it out (you are exercising right?)
  • Jessicaruby
    Jessicaruby Posts: 881 Member
    Thought I would pop in with a suggestion that worked for me. I went on a 9 month plateau, horrible. I exercised 6 days a week, would eat more for a while, tried eating less, nothing! Then I tried calorie cycling and it broke the plateau. Its not fast weight loss, but it confused my body enough that the metabolism kicked in again?? I wear a body bugg too, and that did nothing to help me break the plateau. Great, I am burning 3000 calories a day, and I ate 1500 and I still did not lose weight... so its not the total answer if you cannot get it moving again....

    Calorie cycling, like JUDDD, or Fast 5, you eat your maintenance level on an UP DAY (UD) and you eat a very low calorie day the next (DD) down day, like around 500 calories. Does not matter what you eat, just within your range, and you alternate. It finally broke mine and it was a terrible one to budge. Just thought I would share incase you wanted to try it. You can google JUDDD for more information on it if you are interested in the idea! Its only one day of low calorie, followed by a high calorie, for me its 2500, but its based on your weight/activity, etc... Good luck! I know how stressful it is, and I hope you figure it out (you are exercising right?)
    i might have to try this. thanks for the info. yes i work out every day. i do take my measurements and they stay the same to!!! i just am dumbfounded. when i started MFP i weighed 130lbs. after about 3 months i dropped down to 125. then i started to gain those lbs back and am back up to 130lbs again and i did not change anything. until just recently because i could not lose the weight again
  • catjrow3
    catjrow3 Posts: 681 Member
    Thought I would pop in with a suggestion that worked for me. I went on a 9 month plateau, horrible. I exercised 6 days a week, would eat more for a while, tried eating less, nothing! Then I tried calorie cycling and it broke the plateau. Its not fast weight loss, but it confused my body enough that the metabolism kicked in again?? I wear a body bugg too, and that did nothing to help me break the plateau. Great, I am burning 3000 calories a day, and I ate 1500 and I still did not lose weight... so its not the total answer if you cannot get it moving again....

    Calorie cycling, like JUDDD, or Fast 5, you eat your maintenance level on an UP DAY (UD) and you eat a very low calorie day the next (DD) down day, like around 500 calories. Does not matter what you eat, just within your range, and you alternate. It finally broke mine and it was a terrible one to budge. Just thought I would share incase you wanted to try it. You can google JUDDD for more information on it if you are interested in the idea! Its only one day of low calorie, followed by a high calorie, for me its 2500, but its based on your weight/activity, etc... Good luck! I know how stressful it is, and I hope you figure it out (you are exercising right?)
    i might have to try this. thanks for the info. yes i work out every day. i do take my measurements and they stay the same to!!! i just am dumbfounded. when i started MFP i weighed 130lbs. after about 3 months i dropped down to 125. then i started to gain those lbs back and am back up to 130lbs again and i did not change anything. until just recently because i could not lose the weight again
    I completely understand. My measurements did not change either, and I worked out hard all the time... it was very frustrating, and everyone said...either ... eat more....or .... eat less... nothing worked. Exericse less, exercise more.. Its not as simple as calories in, calories out...although they like to lead you that way. When you start out, maybe... but when you hit that plateau... lordy, I could have put holes in my head for banging it against a wall and getting no where. Its still slow, but very moving at least. I hope it works for you too, and good luck either way!!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    Can you provide some simple information like height, weight, age and body fat if you have it? Using these numbers, we can do some to figure out where you should be at in terms of caloric needs. Also, in your food diary, can you add sodium instead of sugar. I have some idea's to help but it's hard without that info.
  • Jessicaruby
    Jessicaruby Posts: 881 Member
    Can you provide some simple information like height, weight, age and body fat if you have it? Using these numbers, we can do some to figure out where you should be at in terms of caloric needs. Also, in your food diary, can you add sodium instead of sugar. I have some idea's to help but it's hard without that info.
    i am 5'7 CW is 130lbs i am 24 years old last time i got my body fat % done it was about 17% but that was at the beginning of the year.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    So i ran the calcualations and you can eat about 2100 can still lose weight. But you are already at a healthy weight and body fat. So really what are your goals? To just not be starving?

    ps- the 2100 is a flat number, and does not require you to eat exercise calories as it's baked into the total daily energy expended (TDEE).
  • BrewerGeorge
    BrewerGeorge Posts: 397 Member
    So i ran the calcualations and you can eat about 2100 can still lose weight. But you are already at a healthy weight and body fat. So really what are your goals? To just not be starving?
    That's what I was going to say. You're likely hitting a plateau because you're already at a healthy weight. 5'7" 130# is a great size - especially if you have much in the chest and hips department. Those of us with 50 lbs to lose find it easy to drop weight because there is a lot more fat to burn in the first place, but you're already there. You're at the point now where your body changes probably can't come through calories alone, but through exercise and the composition of your diet - as others have suggested already.

    If you're just hungry, eat more often. Same total amount of stuff, just spread out more. I eat breakfast, lunch, PM snack, dinner and a late snack. (I stay up very late so this works for me, but a more normal schedule would be an earlier breakfast with a morning snack before lunch and no late snack.) I don't go more than 3-4 hours without eating. I am NEVER hungry and often force myself to eat the PM snack just because it's time.