SAD, Depression and Motivation

In the UK the weather is getting bad and the nights are drawing in. Some of you who are friends will know I have a form of depression but also I get the Winter blues (the full form is called SAD). Bed is starting to look like the place to snuggle up in, warm buttery toast the food of choice... in general my condition makes me eat less (I have cyclothalmia, a form of bi-polar) - however in the Winter I really struggle. I'm sure I can't be alone with this (unfortunately). So, I wondered how everone else goes about fixing it and staying in control. Particularly making it out to the gym or for a run etc when it's raining.. and it's toasty inside.


  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    I just tell myself, "You want to do this."

    Sorry to hear about your condition.
  • stripeyrache
    stripeyrache Posts: 6 Member
    I've suffered quite badly with depression for a long time to can empathise with how you're feeling.

    Firstly, I don't keep tempting foods in the house. If you like warm buttery toast, could you perhaps get yourself one of those diet breads (like Nimble, or Warbutons do a loaf where the slices are smaller) and some marg? That way you've still got comforting food, but it isn't as bad for you.

    As for going out, this will sound very silly, but I bought myself the most colourful patterend umbrella I could find! The sight of cheers me up and I don't baulk quite so much when it rains as I get to use it!
  • eatrunstretch
    eatrunstretch Posts: 233 Member
    I always find tricking myself into it works best. I just get out of bed and dress in my PT gear and try not to think about it and before I know it I'm outside doing my run!

    Also, if the weather is really bad, I do a dvd workout in the comfort of my home! I would recommend the 30DS or any of Jillian Michael's dvds.

    Good luck :)
  • I have a mild form of bi-polar and I combat it with Omega 3 and B-12, but then like I said mine is mild. I didn't like the drugs the drs gave me for it so I found these two supplements help fight off my swings. Also when I first started I had to force myself to work out, but the longer I'm at it, the better I feel and the less I can feel my bi-polar pushing at me. I still have my bad days, but they are fewer and further between. I hope this helps some
  • I get SAD as well. I have some daylight bulbs in the office room and lounge, that I leave on most of the day/evening when I'm in the house. They help a bit, I think.

    Since exercising I am far more positive, don't get depressed, and feel much better. I'm hoping I can carry this through the winter!
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Get yourself a vitamin D supplement. It will definitely help with the SAD, and it will likely help you year-round. For me, I take 4000 IU in the winter, and 2000 IU in the summer. I do advise you to do some research on it or ask your doctor because it's my understanding that for most people, it's nearly impossible to overdose on vitamin D, but I am not a doctor. A supplement shouldn't hurt you, but the amount you can safely take may vary.

    I can't speak to running in the rain, because I don't like going out in the rain either. But could you get a workout to do at home? If you're a member of a gym though, just get out and do it! Set an alarm to wake up, and set another one for when you have to leave, and just do it. If I'm having a hard time getting motivated, I actually talk to myself out loud. "Just do it now! Get up out of this chair and go." It works. You can also bargain with yourself: if you go to the gym, you'll treat yourself to a hot bath when you get home, or something else you enjoy.

    The most important thing though is to keep moving. That exercise will help with the depression, so you need to do it. I think of depression like a parasite that feeds on itself -- it knows that exercise will help you feel better, so it makes you not want to exercise so the depression can grow. Don't let it grow.
  • I think you should address your Depression and SAD..There is a chiropractor I follow and I watch his youtube videos..he speaks about depression etc..Look up jbchiro on Youtube..I have not looked back since following his treatment..Give me a shout if you cannot find his site and I will give you a link.
  • I've suffered quite badly with depression for a long time to can empathise with how you're feeling.

    Firstly, I don't keep tempting foods in the house. If you like warm buttery toast, could you perhaps get yourself one of those diet breads (like Nimble, or Warbutons do a loaf where the slices are smaller) and some marg? That way you've still got comforting food, but it isn't as bad for you.

    As for going out, this will sound very silly, but I bought myself the most colourful patterend umbrella I could find! The sight of cheers me up and I don't baulk quite so much when it rains as I get to use it!

    I really like the umbrella idea - going to do this!!! :)
  • I have a mild form of bi-polar and I combat it with Omega 3 and B-12, but then like I said mine is mild. I didn't like the drugs the drs gave me for it so I found these two supplements help fight off my swings. Also when I first started I had to force myself to work out, but the longer I'm at it, the better I feel and the less I can feel my bi-polar pushing at me. I still have my bad days, but they are fewer and further between. I hope this helps some

    Equally the drugs I was given I was taken off them, so am on my own somewhat. I'll take a look at the supplements. Thank you.
  • I think you should address your Depression and SAD..There is a chiropractor I follow and I watch his youtube videos..he speaks about depression etc..Look up jbchiro on Youtube..I have not looked back since following his treatment..Give me a shout if you cannot find his site and I will give you a link.

    Thanks for this. I am under a consultant physchiatrist - but I was taken off the drugs (i was worse on them) hence jsut looking for anything practical - thank you for the link I'll take a look. Good luck :)
  • I get SAD as well. I have some daylight bulbs in the office room and lounge, that I leave on most of the day/evening when I'm in the house. They help a bit, I think.

    Since exercising I am far more positive, don't get depressed, and feel much better. I'm hoping I can carry this through the winter!

    This is really positive, I'm pleased to hear exercise is working - I'm hoping it will for me too - best of luck hun!!
  • Thank you everyone, I think it's going to be a bit of trial and error - the medication messed me up further so I'm going it without at the moment (I was taken off it as an emergency case). Will keep going, and maybe post a little update in a bit.

    I'm sorry to hear from those of you who suffer too - take it steady and the very best of luck to everyone.