Stinky Pits



  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    If you don't like sweat then workout at home.

    We had a right laugh at our spinning class last night over who had the biggest puddles of sweat on the floor when they'd finished!

    It's noting to be ashamed of, we all do it.

    I agree that if they come in smelling they should probably have a quick shower or rinse before they start. If I came straight from a hard day at work I would, because I know I'd be dirty and sweaty from the day.

    I never wear deoderant, it's unhealthy. Wash under your pits regularly :o)

    Who said I don't like sweat? I sweat more than anybody I know, including the men. It's the stank I have a problem with.
  • NemesisJRM
    NemesisJRM Posts: 248 Member
    I see a lot of people talking about common courtesy and Respect on here when it comes to applying said deodorant to easy your nasal experience in the gym, but I ask you this, where is yours with that persons choice not to? instead you come on here an moan about it?

    Show compassions towards other and respect there choices, even if they don't agree with yours or the stigma of supposed modern day society!

    Have you ever though that also it might be a religious reason they don't wear any? From example most Buddhist monks don't wear it because its classed as a luxury.
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    Just another perspective here...

    I have really sensitive skin and can't wear antiperspirant at all. It's taken me nearly two years to finally find a natural deodorant that actually works and doesn't irritate the crap out of my skin. So some of those stinky people may be trying their best, but just not succeeding yet. (Really, I do hate to smell bad, but I hate worse when my pits are covered in a painful, irritating rash from some evil chemical concoction.)
  • blonde20fan
    blonde20fan Posts: 233 Member
    I have a friend that believes that deodorants and antiperspirants cause cancer and he never wears it! He stinks badly all the time and its a ongoing joke in my group of friends. I have tried to get him to wear it without any luck. Don't people know the smell is offensive to some people??
  • ginny1214
    All I want to say is why don't you think about maybe that person is self conscious about their smell?
    I personally smell, I shower right before I go to the gym, still have wet hair and all, and i use clinical strength deodorant, and use certain dry at night, and I still smell. I can smell myself, and because of this sometimes I cut my workout short, or at Zumba I don't raise my arms, it's not fair to me, but I feel that it's also not fair to stink everyone out!

    But it's an issue, I actually have an appt soon with my gp tosee what they can do. So I'm just saying, I'm not the only one with this problem, I might be thhe only one to say something on this thread but just think I mean you have to sell someone for an hr is it really that bad? They're just trying to get healthy too

    I just want to add, I take 2 showers a day also, I apply deodorant twice a day. I honestly used to think it was because I was fat and gross, but now after working out and losing 26 lbs it's worse than ever. Now your post just made me more self conscious
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I see a lot of people talking about common courtesy and Respect on here when it comes to applying said deodorant to easy your nasal experience in the gym, but I ask you this, where is yours with that persons choice not to? instead you come on here an moan about it?

    Show compassions towards other and respect there choices, even if they don't agree with yours or the stigma of supposed modern day society!

    Have you ever though that also it might be a religious reason they don't wear any? From example most Buddhist monks don't wear it because its classed as a luxury.

    So, if I sit next to you in a restaurant and light up a cigarette, you should have the courtesy and respect for my right to smoke when and where I want, then.

    And I should respect my neighbors' right to play their music as loud as they want to, as well.

    I get the people who have a medical condition and can't help it. That's a totally different story than saying "there's no point so I don't do it." There IS a point. The point is that it's RUDE not to wear it and expect everyone else to just deal with your smell that you CAN do something about.

    No one's saying you should hide out if you can't help it. But if you can help it, why would you subject people to that? Selfish and rude is what it is.
  • feisma
    feisma Posts: 213 Member
    Have you ever though that also it might be a religious reason they don't wear any? From example most Buddhist monks don't wear it because its classed as a luxury.

    If deodorant is a luxury, then why the heck do they belong to a gym?!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Have you ever though that also it might be a religious reason they don't wear any? From example most Buddhist monks don't wear it because its classed as a luxury.

    If deodorant is a luxury, then why the heck do they belong to a gym?!

    Yoga classes?

    I don't think I ever saw a Buddhist monk at a gym.
  • aoede
    aoede Posts: 30 Member
    I see a lot of people talking about common courtesy and Respect on here when it comes to applying said deodorant to easy your nasal experience in the gym, but I ask you this, where is yours with that persons choice not to? instead you come on here an moan about it?

    Show compassions towards other and respect there choices, even if they don't agree with yours or the stigma of supposed modern day society!

    Have you ever though that also it might be a religious reason they don't wear any? From example most Buddhist monks don't wear it because its classed as a luxury.

    So, if I sit next to you in a restaurant and light up a cigarette, you should have the courtesy and respect for my right to smoke when and where I want, then.

    And I should respect my neighbors' right to play their music as loud as they want to, as well.

    You forgot the right for people to fart in elevators and on public transport. We wouldn't want to disrespect that!
  • NemesisJRM
    NemesisJRM Posts: 248 Member
    I see a lot of people talking about common courtesy and Respect on here when it comes to applying said deodorant to easy your nasal experience in the gym, but I ask you this, where is yours with that persons choice not to? instead you come on here an moan about it?

    Show compassions towards other and respect there choices, even if they don't agree with yours or the stigma of supposed modern day society!

    Have you ever though that also it might be a religious reason they don't wear any? From example most Buddhist monks don't wear it because its classed as a luxury.

    So, if I sit next to you in a restaurant and light up a cigarette, you should have the courtesy and respect for my right to smoke when and where I want, then.

    And I should respect my neighbors' right to play their music as loud as they want to, as well.

    I get the people who have a medical condition and can't help it. That's a totally different story than saying "there's no point so I don't do it." There IS a point. The point is that it's RUDE not to wear it and expect everyone else to just deal with your smell that you CAN do something about.

    No one's saying you should hide out if you can't help it. But if you can help it, why would you subject people to that? Selfish and rude is what it is.

    You have just proven my point of how selfish and rude your and many others perspective is, you took my statement out of context and tried to justify your own Metrosexual ideology (and yes i am aware the term was coined against men, however I think it fits perfectly here).
    I find it RUDE! that you think everyone should do as you want and think, and yes it is something I CAN CHOOSE! to do something about. Same way as you can CHOOSE! to move to another gym or CHOOSE! to move away from said person.
  • NemesisJRM
    NemesisJRM Posts: 248 Member
    I see a lot of people talking about common courtesy and Respect on here when it comes to applying said deodorant to easy your nasal experience in the gym, but I ask you this, where is yours with that persons choice not to? instead you come on here an moan about it?

    Show compassions towards other and respect there choices, even if they don't agree with yours or the stigma of supposed modern day society!

    Have you ever though that also it might be a religious reason they don't wear any? From example most Buddhist monks don't wear it because its classed as a luxury.

    So, if I sit next to you in a restaurant and light up a cigarette, you should have the courtesy and respect for my right to smoke when and where I want, then.

    And I should respect my neighbors' right to play their music as loud as they want to, as well.

    You forgot the right for people to fart in elevators and on public transport. We wouldn't want to disrespect that!

    Another immature statement, anyone else wanna pitch in with totally out of context examples? and at the end of the day Flatulence is an everyday occurrence for everyone, what makes you better than anyone else?

    All you have done is show exactly how immature and egotistic you truly are!

    Not to mention how little respect you have for others, enjoy begin a SHEEP!
  • NemesisJRM
    NemesisJRM Posts: 248 Member
    Have you ever though that also it might be a religious reason they don't wear any? From example most Buddhist monks don't wear it because its classed as a luxury.

    If deodorant is a luxury, then why the heck do they belong to a gym?!

    Yoga classes?

    I don't think I ever saw a Buddhist monk at a gym.

    So not only do you show immaturity you want to try and attack me on a religious level as well ?

    I find it offensive that you would think all Buddhist Monk's would practice yoga, another stereotypical idealogical view. Suppose cause I'm Scottish, I have ginger hair and wear a Skirt?

    (I say skirt because thats another stereotypical view towards our national attire of the Kilt!)
  • Givemewings
    Givemewings Posts: 864 Member
    It must be great to be so perfect.
  • aoede
    aoede Posts: 30 Member
    I try to impact others negatively as little as possible in my day to fay life. This means wearing deodorant at the gym, not talking loudly on the phone at my desk, and yes, not passing wind in public. It doesn't hurt me not to do these things, and it makes the lives of others more pleasant. How you can regard this as a negative thing absolutely baffles me.

    Just because someone can do something 'natural' like pass wind, yell, or pick their nose, doesn't mean they should.

    There is nothing wrong with conforming to social norms regarding polite behaviour. I would rather be a polite 'sheep' than the person everyone is silently hating (you).
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    I try to impact others negatively as little as possible in my day to fay life. This means wearing deodorant at the gym, not talking loudly on the phone at my desk, and yes, not passing wind in public. It doesn't hurt me not to do these things, and it makes the lives of others more pleasant. How you can regard this as a negative thing absolutely baffles me.

    Just because someone can do something 'natural' like pass wind, yell, or pick their nose, doesn't mean they should.

    There is nothing wrong with conforming to social norms regarding polite behaviour. I would rather be a polite 'sheep' than the person everyone is silently hating (you).

    This is the best way I can see this explained. Thank you! I completely agree.

    I wasn't expecting this to get so heated. NemesisJRM: Do you have anger issues? I'm not trying to be disrespectful or patronizing (like Givemewings up there), but you seem to have gotten inordinately angry about this.
  • NemesisJRM
    NemesisJRM Posts: 248 Member
    I try to impact others negatively as little as possible in my day to fay life. This means wearing deodorant at the gym, not talking loudly on the phone at my desk, and yes, not passing wind in public. It doesn't hurt me not to do these things, and it makes the lives of others more pleasant. How you can regard this as a negative thing absolutely baffles me.

    Just because someone can do something 'natural' like pass wind, yell, or pick their nose, doesn't mean they should.

    There is nothing wrong with conforming to social norms regarding polite behaviour. I would rather be a polite 'sheep' than the person everyone is silently hating (you).

    This is the best way I can see this explained. Thank you! I completely agree.

    I wasn't expecting this to get so heated. NemesisJRM: Do you have anger issues? I'm not trying to be disrespectful or patronizing (like Givemewings up there), but you seem to have gotten inordinately angry about this.

    Actually I don't have anger issues, I just don't like social stigma impacting others... IMO the comments towards others in the topic at hand could be classed as borderline bullying which I wont stand for. If you read the post above about someone who now feels even more self conscious because of the topic of discussion you will see what I mean, and with regards to the comments directed towards me both religiously and personally then yes I'm going to get passionate and defend against them, even though it goes against my belief's which I suppose highlights how imperfect I actually am Givemewings, but then again they say perfection is a journey and never a destination.

    Aoede you have clearly missed the points I have been highlighting, and you were the one who was trying to have a smart *kitten* pop towards this with your previous post. If you wish to silently or even publicly hate me then carry on, because in doing so your negativity that you allegedly try to avoid is then directed at me and not others.

    "Just because someone can do something 'natural' like pass wind, yell, or pick their nose, doesn't mean they should. " Please show me where I said they should, I merely stated that if they so choose to do so, that is there right and people should respect that.
  • Givemewings
    Givemewings Posts: 864 Member
    I didn't really see the point of your post...apart from a chance to have a go at a lady who may not even realise she is causing you such offence! As others have said, there could be any number of reasons why she smells. I think if you go to a public place like a gym, then you just have to put up with it. I'm sure she didn't knowingly annoy you.
  • ingeh
    ingeh Posts: 513 Member
    you swear when you work out. I spray a load of deodrant on before my workout but I still sweat and then shower. Theres not much point in showering before as your just gonna get sweaty and need another shower. Personally I think a gym should smell! I mean a load of people working out and sweating isnt going to smell like roses is it?
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member

    "Just because someone can do something 'natural' like pass wind, yell, or pick their nose, doesn't mean they should. " Please show me where I said they should, I merely stated that if they so choose to do so, that is there right and people should respect that.

    A typical case of "Your freedom begins where mine ends".
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I see a lot of people talking about common courtesy and Respect on here when it comes to applying said deodorant to easy your nasal experience in the gym, but I ask you this, where is yours with that persons choice not to? instead you come on here an moan about it?

    Show compassions towards other and respect there choices, even if they don't agree with yours or the stigma of supposed modern day society!

    Have you ever though that also it might be a religious reason they don't wear any? From example most Buddhist monks don't wear it because its classed as a luxury.

    So, if I sit next to you in a restaurant and light up a cigarette, you should have the courtesy and respect for my right to smoke when and where I want, then.

    And I should respect my neighbors' right to play their music as loud as they want to, as well.

    I get the people who have a medical condition and can't help it. That's a totally different story than saying "there's no point so I don't do it." There IS a point. The point is that it's RUDE not to wear it and expect everyone else to just deal with your smell that you CAN do something about.

    No one's saying you should hide out if you can't help it. But if you can help it, why would you subject people to that? Selfish and rude is what it is.

    You have just proven my point of how selfish and rude your and many others perspective is, you took my statement out of context and tried to justify your own Metrosexual ideology (and yes i am aware the term was coined against men, however I think it fits perfectly here).
    I find it RUDE! that you think everyone should do as you want and think, and yes it is something I CAN CHOOSE! to do something about. Same way as you can CHOOSE! to move to another gym or CHOOSE! to move away from said person.

    There's nothing out of context in what I said. It's a perfectly valid example and not immature. It's immature to insist that it's acceptable to force others to suffer due to your lack of hygeine in a public, crowded place. It takes, what? three seconds to swipe on some deoderant before hitting the gym? But you are bahving like a 2-year-old about it. It doesn't affect YOU, so why would you do it?

    If I'm going for a solitary run first thing in the morning and no one else is going to be near me, no, I'm not going to put it on. I'm not going to be offended by my own scent. But if I'm going to a gym or a class where there will be other people who will be exposed to it, then I put it on. Not for ME. For THEM.

    I have no idea what the term metrosexual has to do with any of this. That's a very odd statement.