The dangers of PROCESSED meats.



  • bluemist248
    bluemist248 Posts: 207 Member
    :grumble: Everything causes cancer.

    Best to live by the 'Everything in moderation--including moderation" quote!

    Agreed! If I went radical about every article I read about cancer, I'd have so far stopped my birth control, stopped using deodorant, stopped wearing an under wired bra, and stopped going outside altogether.Sometimes you've just gotta live and hope for the best!
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    Pottenger’s Cats — A Study in Nutrition

    by Francis M. Pottenger, Jr., MD

    From 1932 to 1942, Dr. Francis Marion Pottenger, Jr. (frequently misspelled Pottinger) conducted an experiment to determine the effects of heat-processed food on cats.
    Yet another good reason to spay and neuter your pets BEFORE they have any off spring! Don't let YOUR pet provide future populations for scientific experiments!
  • live2dream
    live2dream Posts: 614 Member
    :grumble: Everything causes cancer.

    Best to live by the 'Everything in moderation--including moderation" quote!

    Not everything causes cancer. In fact, many foods prevent cancer. And those are the foods I choose to eat. Why would you want to knowingly consume sodium nitrate and MSG that have been shown to cause cancer or even if not cancer, they are just plain bad for you? Personally, I wouldn't say 'Everything' in moderation'. Some things just should not be food. And that's not sensationalism. The only reason people think it's food is because they see the advertisements and media daily of cheeseburgers and bacon, etc, etc... and/or grow up eating it and think it's ok to eat. (like I used to until I started thinking for myself)
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    :grumble: Everything causes cancer.

    Best to live by the 'Everything in moderation--including moderation" quote!

    Not everything causes cancer. In fact, many foods prevent cancer. And those are the foods I choose to eat.


    That's the sound of sarcasm going right over your head.

    Some things just should not be food. And that's not sensationalism.

    No, it's your opinion. I think they should be. That's my opinion.
    The only reason people think it's food is because they see the advertisements and media daily of cheeseburgers and bacon, etc, etc... and/or grow up eating it and think it's ok to eat. (like I used to until I started thinking for myself)

    Wow, way to insult thousands of people! So we are all mindless zombies who believe everything we are told? Surely its people like the rest of us who are smart enough to see through the scaremongering, weigh up the options and odds, and decide for ourselves, rather than people like you who believe anything bad that has a report attached to it? How many people have eaten, continue to eat, the MSG etc stuff, and have no ill effects, compared to those that can PROVE the MSG etc is causing them issues? Its like saying that planes aren't safe, as you always hear about plane crashes. What you don't hear about is the millions of flights every single day that don't crash!

    Live2dream, do you drive a car? The most dangerous form of transport? You should stop you know, its very dangerous, studies have proven that.
  • live2dream
    live2dream Posts: 614 Member
    :grumble: Everything causes cancer.

    Best to live by the 'Everything in moderation--including moderation" quote!

    Agreed! If I went radical about every article I read about cancer, I'd have so far stopped my birth control, stopped using deodorant, stopped wearing an under wired bra, and stopped going outside altogether.Sometimes you've just gotta live and hope for the best!

    LOL I actually did stop my (chemical) birth control & only use natural deodorant! Haven't taken my underwires out yet and actually sun is good in moderation :) I'm not going to hope for the best because everyone in my family has died young (my dad didn't even make it to 50 with cancer)... So I'm not taking any chances after watching him die slowly and painfully. :( It changed my life completely around. If there's a way to avoid dying that way, I will do whatever it takes. And at least I can say I tried. And it's actually helped me live more fully, completely and peacefully knowing I'm doing my best. :)
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member

    LOL I actually did stop my (chemical) birth control & only use natural deodorant! Haven't taken my underwires out yet and actually sun is good in moderation :) I'm not going to hope for the best because everyone in my family has died young (my dad didn't even make it to 50 with cancer)... So I'm not taking any chances after watching him die slowly and painfully. :( It changed my life completely around. If there's a way to avoid dying that way, I will do whatever it takes. And at least I can say I tried. And it's actually helped me live more fully, completely and peacefully knowing I'm doing my best. :)

    but as i posted earlier in this thread, if you beleive MSG is terrible, you shouldn't be eating broccoli, walnuts etc
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    LOL I actually did stop my (chemical) birth control & only use natural deodorant! Haven't taken my underwires out yet and actually sun is good in moderation :) I'm not going to hope for the best because everyone in my family has died young (my dad didn't even make it to 50 with cancer)... So I'm not taking any chances after watching him die slowly and painfully. :( It changed my life completely around. If there's a way to avoid dying that way, I will do whatever it takes. And at least I can say I tried. And it's actually helped me live more fully, completely and peacefully knowing I'm doing my best. :)
    Cancer is more genetic than accrued from eating "bad" foods. Why are there people that can smoke till their dead in their 90's? Because they weren't susceptible to lung cancer. It has more to do with your genetics than anything else and if your father had it, then you chances are much more increased than people than don't have a history of it in their family.

    So I'm going to keep eating that bacon and Spam.
  • Kristhin
    Kristhin Posts: 442 Member
    Genetics are only a partial factor to cancer, not the biggest factor. Read up on studies done on various areas of the world, their environment, their diets, the number of mutated cells that grow when they're eating this or that. It will show trends. Also, read up on some history. Cancer has been bad for a long time now, but this hasn't always been the case. Genetics give you a predisposition, but nothing close to a death sentence. I'm not going to get into numbers and specific studies because it would take me forev to get all the references and I doubt anyone would care enough for it to be worth it to me since I'm at work, but its out there if you look for it.

    I've stopped using antiperspirant, flouride, and microwaves so it seems we have much in common live2dream. ;)
  • live2dream
    live2dream Posts: 614 Member
    :grumble: Everything causes cancer.

    Best to live by the 'Everything in moderation--including moderation" quote!

    Not everything causes cancer. In fact, many foods prevent cancer. And those are the foods I choose to eat.


    That's the sound of sarcasm going right over your head.

    Some things just should not be food. And that's not sensationalism.

    No, it's your opinion. I think they should be. That's my opinion.
    The only reason people think it's food is because they see the advertisements and media daily of cheeseburgers and bacon, etc, etc... and/or grow up eating it and think it's ok to eat. (like I used to until I started thinking for myself)

    Wow, way to insult thousands of people! So we are all mindless zombies who believe everything we are told? Surely its people like the rest of us who are smart enough to see through the scaremongering, weigh up the options and odds, and decide for ourselves, rather than people like you who believe anything bad that has a report attached to it? How many people have eaten, continue to eat, the MSG etc stuff, and have no ill effects, compared to those that can PROVE the MSG etc is causing them issues? Its like saying that planes aren't safe, as you always hear about plane crashes. What you don't hear about is the millions of flights every single day that don't crash!

    Live2dream, do you drive a car? The most dangerous form of transport? You should stop you know, its very dangerous, studies have proven that.

    I apologize if you think I was trying to insult anyone. Far from it...please don't turn it around saying I think everyone is mindless zombies. So not true! That's good if you've weighed your options and feel that MSG,etc is beneficial for you. You can continue eating it and I hope nothing bad happens to you. **

    This is about nutrition though, not planes or air quality, etc... Nutrition and what we eat are one of the easiest things we CAN control. And that's why most of us are here - to learn how to control it and to live healthier, fuller lives as best we can. :)


    Edit** We are talking about processed MSG not the naturally occuring Glutamate that is an amino acid found in broccoli, etc...
  • live2dream
    live2dream Posts: 614 Member
    Genetics is only a partial factor to cancer, not the biggest factor. Read up on studies done on various areas of the world, their environement, their diets, the number of mutated cells that grow when they're eating this or that. It will show trends. Also, read up on some history. Cancer has been bad for a long time now, but this hasn't always been the case. Genetics give you a predisposition, but nothing close to a death sentence. I'm not going to get into numbers and specific studies because it would take me forev to get all the references and I doubt anyone would care enough for it to be worth it to me since I'm at work, but its out there if you look for it.

    I've stopped using antiperspirant, flouride, and microwaves so it seems we have much in common live2dream. ;)

    True, I've read the studies too. Otherwise, I might just say **** it and eat whatever too... actually I probably still wouldn't cause it all makes me feel like crap for the time I am alive. Yep, I don't use microwaves or flouride either! And I don't think there's anything crazy about that! Just not using what we shouldn't have been using to begin with :) Just wish I could quit my iPhone- it makes me tired whenever it's near me like it's draining my energy with it's radiation. So I try to turn it off or not have it on me at all times... just doing the best i can in this crazy world we live in :)
  • Kristhin
    Kristhin Posts: 442 Member
    Yeah I cancelled my phone for a while because I know cell phones are bad for you...only last like a month though, everyone was annoyed at not being able to get a hold of me and then I got lost really bad one time and couldn't call anybody. So, a necessary evil. For now, anyway.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    Genetics are only a partial factor to cancer, not the biggest factor. Read up on studies done on various areas of the world, their environment, their diets, the number of mutated cells that grow when they're eating this or that. It will show trends. Also, read up on some history. Cancer has been bad for a long time now, but this hasn't always been the case. Genetics give you a predisposition, but nothing close to a death sentence. I'm not going to get into numbers and specific studies because it would take me forev to get all the references and I doubt anyone would care enough for it to be worth it to me since I'm at work, but its out there if you look for it.

    I've stopped using antiperspirant, flouride, and microwaves so it seems we have much in common live2dream. ;)
    Since you brought it up, burden of proof is on you to prove the numbers. Genetics aren't just a "partial" factor. It's a direct contributor. I suggest you learn more about endocrinology and oncology before making blanket statements.
  • rrrbecca11
    News flash!

    100% of people who breath air die!
    100% of people who drink water die!
    100% of people who eat lettuce die!
    100% of people who drink beer die!

    Hehe :wink:

    As amusing as that is, it isn't about whether or not we will all die. Obviously, we will. It is about QUALITY OF LIFE, and especially as you age, kiddies, you are going to find out that all the crap you eat in your youth will end up biting your *kitten* unless you make a change in time. I have made that change, and I am healthier than I have ever been, and looking forward to a long and HEALTHY life, not gimpin' around with arthritis, osteoporosis, diabetes, etc. that could have been prevented if I had only paid attention to what I was putting in my body.
  • rrrbecca11
    Genetics are only a partial factor to cancer, not the biggest factor. Read up on studies done on various areas of the world, their environment, their diets, the number of mutated cells that grow when they're eating this or that. It will show trends. Also, read up on some history. Cancer has been bad for a long time now, but this hasn't always been the case. Genetics give you a predisposition, but nothing close to a death sentence. I'm not going to get into numbers and specific studies because it would take me forev to get all the references and I doubt anyone would care enough for it to be worth it to me since I'm at work, but its out there if you look for it.

    I've stopped using antiperspirant, flouride, and microwaves so it seems we have much in common live2dream. ;)
    Since you brought it up, burden of proof is on you to prove the numbers. Genetics aren't just a "partial" factor. It's a direct contributor. I suggest you learn more about endocrinology and oncology before making blanket statements.

    and @ you, ninerbuff, genetics is FAR from the biggest contributing factor to disease. I recommend to you the book 'The China Study' and the film 'Forks Over Knives'. Are you open minded enough to entertain another train of thought other than the one you've grown accustomed to?
  • Dkenny74
    Dkenny74 Posts: 26 Member
    Wow, so he has to read junk science like "The China Study" to be open minded?
  • cheftrish
    Glutamate occurs naturally in virtually all foods, including meat, fish, poultry, breast milk (yes, breast milk!) and vegetables. In general, protein-rich foods - such as breast milk, and meat - contain large amounts of bound glutamate, whereas vegetables and fruits (especially peas, tomatoes, and potatoes), mushrooms and certain cheeses (eg. Parmesan) tend to contain high levels of free glutamate. It is the free glutamate in foods, such as cheese and tomato, which contributes to their flavour enhancing effects when used in cooking. Why would you try and compare free glutamate to MSG which is processed by MAN not nature?
  • rrrbecca11
    Wow, so he has to read junk science like "The China Study" to be open minded?

    ...and your credientials for calling it "junk science" would be...??
  • gingerb85
    gingerb85 Posts: 357 Member
    Excellent article. I am glad I no longer eat meat at all! :happy:
  • Paddy31
    Paddy31 Posts: 115 Member
    I don't think you're British, otherwise I'd ask if you read the daily mail...

  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Thank you beautiful friend o mine for sharing this . . . . informational article with all of us. . .What a kind and caring heart you have. . Everyone will take away what they will from it. . .But the point is you cared enough to post it. . . Again Thanks. .. AIC JADE:flowerforyou: