Truck driving

I have not been on here in a while, just figured out how to get on here with my blackberry. I had to go back to driving a truck with my hubby, and needless to say, I have gotten off track a bit. I have gained 6 lbs. back. Is there ANYONE out there who has any tips, tricks, and motivation for someone like me who is sedentary? I am starting counting calories again today, but I really need some motivation!! Thanks!


  • dfborders
    dfborders Posts: 474 Member
    I would suggest walking around at the truck stops as much as possible. The other thing I would suggest is looking up online some exercises you can do while sitting down. You could do them while your husband is driving and then when you guys stop get out and walk around. On your downtime if you are at a hotel or a truckstop that has a gym maybe you could use that. Hopefully that helps a bit. Good Luck!!
  • robinso5
    robinso5 Posts: 310 Member
    Actually myhusband used to do his exercises in that truck during his breaks. he would do situps, pulls ups, push ups, and jumping jacks and run in place! he lost a good amount of weight and toned up doing that!
  • DiabeticAlien
    DiabeticAlien Posts: 240 Member
    When I was OTR I would always park my truck at the far end of the truck stop, rest area, and WALK. The farther away you are from the building, the more exercise you have to get just to get inside. I also would walk laps around the truck stop before bed. I found that it would help me sleep better. Another thing that helped me was I rarely ate in the truck stops. I carried all my food in a cooler, and kept healthy foods in there, carrots, apples, low fat lunch meat, etc.
  • jeff261159
    Hi guys, I too am a truck driver, hauling out of sae ports loading containers and hauling them across the UK. My days, and nights, used to consist of sitting on my butt, eating crap, and doing absolutely no excercise. My 'get fit' journey started at Christmas when my daughter bought me a slow cooker / crockpot. Instead of eating ready meals, I now but fresh meat, fresh veg, and roasting bags. I make some lovely fresh meals EVERY DAY.
    I decided to supplement my healthy eating with some excercise so starting going for walks when I parked up at night. My map reading mostly let me down and I usually ended up walking double the distance I intended. Those walks gradually turned inti jogs, with the jogs turning into runs!! I now run 5/6 miles, 3 or 4 times a week. I now love it. I've lst 64 lbs and 10" off my waist!!! I g the gym for syrngth work at weekends, and o Aquarobics on a sunday morning at the gym pool. Go for it guys, you'll never look back!! Feel free to friend request me!
  • LycosNyctereutes
    Are you on the road constantly? If you have a break in your schedule use that time to workout really hard. And take healthy food with you on the road. Maybe talk to your dr about an appetite suppressant for when your out. You don't need many calories when you're sitting all day. But be sure to take a good vitamin supplement. And think about moving your body whenever you can. Make rest stops into activity stops. That's all I can think of. Truck driving has got to be the unhealthiest job in this country. My grandparents, aunts and uncles from my mom's side were/are all truck drivers. One of my aunt & unlce 's (married) were always a little overweight, not morbidly obese. The rest were all skinny. Maybe it's genes, some of us just didn't get the good ones.