C25K- W1D1 9/7

Yesterday i started the couch to 5k. I think i did pretty good! I am following the treadmill version, I'm accident pone and would probably break my ankle if i ran outside right now,lol.

I walked at 3.4 and ran at 4.7, I'm going to increase 1.0 each week (that's the plan).When I got to the end were you are suppose to run from 22:30-23:30 then walk from 23:30-25:00.... I ran from 22:30-25:00 :drinker: !!!! I'm trying to push myself a little.

I think this will be good for me. If you want to join me please JOIN me, if you are doing it let me know how you are doing.


  • tishaloses
    tishaloses Posts: 234 Member
    I am on w7d2!!! We did our 25 minute run in the rain yesterday. What a difference!! I was soaking wet and felt like I weighed 500 pounds. But I have found in the last 7 weeks I enjoy running. I am going to run my first 5k on Oct 1!!! Good luck!!!
  • alorick
    alorick Posts: 194
    I just did W1D2! It's SO hard for me to do those 1min runs, but I have to push myself. I can't wait until I can run longer, and hopefully I will enjoy running!
  • kyunda
    kyunda Posts: 340 Member
    @alorick...Me too! I cant wait to be able to run 3miles no stop, WE CAN DO IT!!!
  • niclodn
    niclodn Posts: 17 Member
    I started yesterday too! I walked at 3.2 and ran at 5. I was impressed that I was able to do the whole 20 minutes properly! Am hoping I can keep it up -- I have had issues with my ankles and knees in the past, so we'll see...
  • Bouneschlupp
    Bouneschlupp Posts: 29 Member
    I started the program about 10 days ago and will be starting week 3 this evening. I also run on the treadmill and try to skip the walking part in the middle, which means I run during 5 minutes.
    Good luck to you!