Challenge with my boyfriend!

Ralstonk2 Posts: 345 Member
Got on the scale this morning, I'm up 6lbs from the past 3 weeks! However, today is a new day to start for me! :( My boyfriend is 6'1 about 310 and he's trying to lose weight with me but not as serious (However the pants we just bought him a few months ago fall off of him completely so that's awesome!). So, we are starting a challenge against each other starting 9/11/11 to 10/30/11 (My birthday is our weigh in date!)-50 days. Whoever loses the most weight wins the challenge. We are gonna weigh in, in front of each other starting and our end weight. We both told each other something that we want and whoever wins has to get whatever the other person said they want. It's a nice motivation for me and for him to get somewhat serious about it. I need encouragement from all my MFP friends! I can do this! We are starting together this Sunday but I've started today for myself.


  • I think that's awesome you are both working together, that's great motivation...GOOD LUCK to both of you :)
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Men lose weight faster than women, so he has a natural, unfair advantage.
  • 57rainbows
    57rainbows Posts: 101 Member
    But women can be more motivated than men to look good, so they have a natural, unfair advantage too! ;)

    I like to do % weight loss when I do challenges though, because if one person weighs 140 and loses 10 lbs that's huge, and if the other person is 300 and loses 10 lbs that's not as dramatic. However you do it, I love the fun added to weight loss and hope it goes great!
  • Men lose weight faster than women, so he has a natural, unfair advantage.

    This is so true!! My husband and I started at the same time, he's down 75lbs I'm down 40. I think it's great you are doing this together. It really motivated me to stay with it. You will do great!!!
  • Ralstonk2
    Ralstonk2 Posts: 345 Member
    Men lose weight faster than women, so he has a natural, unfair advantage.

    Well then that means I am just going to have to work that much harder right!?!?! :) And he probably won't be working out like I will. He may but not as much as me.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Thats awesome, i am trying to do the same with my wife. But keep in mind, to eat enough that you are creating huge deficits.
  • Sarah0866
    Sarah0866 Posts: 291 Member
    I think it's great that the two of you are doing this together and motivating each other :) Lol while this may be taking it a bit too far if you guys aren't really too serious about who "wins" as long as you're motivating one another to keep working at your goals (which is still awesome), I would base it on who comes closer to their goal weight, maybe even percentage-wise...that might get rid of his "unfair advantage" that's been brought up. Best of luck! :)
  • Alacey88
    Alacey88 Posts: 486 Member
    Men lose weight faster than women, so he has a natural, unfair advantage.

    Also take in account that the person who is the heaviest also lose more weight then someone whom may be less heavy.
  • Ralstonk2
    Ralstonk2 Posts: 345 Member
    How do I find out the percentage of the weight we've lost?
  • Best of luck with the challenge! I hope you achieve your goals successfully :smile:

    Doing the same thing with my OH as well, we've both joined here and are doing the food/exercise diaries together.....but....

    I do agree with this:
    Men lose weight faster than women, so he has a natural, unfair advantage.

    I've only lost 5 lbs - he has lost over double that!

    Also, to add to others' comments, take into account those oh-so pleasant (not!) hormonal fluctuations in us ladies. I'm due for my TOTM in a couple of days, and already I can feel myself bloating up like a pufferfish *sighs* - so he now has a week ahead of me as well, gah!
  • How do I find out the percentage of the weight we've lost?

    pounds lost divided by starting weight

    then move the decimal 2 places to the right i believe

    example: starting weight=210
    pounds lost=5


    so percentage lost is 2.38
  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    How do I find out the percentage of the weight we've lost?

    Pounds lost divided by weight times 100 -

    If you weigh 200 pounds, then lost 4 pounds, do 4/200 - answer is 0.02. Multiply by 100 - answer is 2. You lost 2%.
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