Drinking too much water and its effects?



  • Since a lot of people use urine color is an indicator here is a website that has a chart that shows you what the color is really telling you ( it is at the bottom I could not figure out how to post here) http://www.urinecolors.com/dehydration.php
  • clarech82
    clarech82 Posts: 244 Member
    I once read about a man who was doing marathons and drinking water all the time he collapsed during a race and the paramedics thought it was due to dehydration so put him on fluids only to make him worse. It turns out he was drinking so much he had to little salt in his system and it nearly killed him but from what I could work out he was drinking constantly
  • 8rules
    8rules Posts: 169
    I do not use urine color.

    Some people colorless urine means you are not getting enough nutrients, and it becomes an amateur test for food qualtiy.

    What I know about urine color from nursing is that the longer you keep it inside you, the more colored it gets. If you pee first thing in the morning its more likely to be yellow, then after peeing consistently all day long.

    Eat a tonne of carrots, yellow urine from beta carotene, eat a lot of shell fish or tomatoes and lycopene kicks in.

    I truly believe that when you start doing regular exercise, your body will teach you how much water you should drink, you will just feel it. You will know how hydrated you need to be to perform at peek, and go with it.

    However, I think the best advice for non exercisers I ever saw was little sips all day long and you simply cannot go wrong.
  • 8rules
    8rules Posts: 169
    I once read about a man who was doing marathons and drinking water all the time he collapsed during a race and the paramedics thought it was due to dehydration so put him on fluids only to make him worse. It turns out he was drinking so much he had to little salt in his system and it nearly killed him but from what I could work out he was drinking constantly

    I am not sure what kind of incompetent paramedics would have put a man collapsing during a marathon on pure water intravenous instead of electrolytic intravenous. Perhaps this is one of those urban myths? Most standard IV drips are saline solutions. Distilled water drips are almost unheard of as primary treatment.
  • A couple of months ago I was in the hospital almost dead because of severe dehydration, it was caused by my radiation treatments not because I was not drinking water. My body was unable to absorb fluids due to my lining on my digestive system being so week. Everything I ate or drank was back out in a matter of minutes because my body was rejecting it. I was on morphine because of the intense pain. They have me antibiotics, and other medications and they had an IV in my arm with saline. It took a few liters to get me stable. My body only took about 12 hours of rejecting food and water to get me to this point that I was in the hospital. I take hydration and dehydration very seriously now, I will never let my body get to that point again, first sign of problems I am seeking help.