What gives?!?!



  • felicityksr
    felicityksr Posts: 208 Member
    I love Zumba and do it just about every day at the gym. I also do Jillian's 30-Day Shred. Just do what you can and it gets easier. Start the DVD's and maybe switch them off every other day so it is not monotonous for you. You will see the difference in your clothes before you see it on the scale. ;-)
  • gods_gal
    This happened to me too so I feel your pain. I do have thyroid and other health issues so that might be part of my problem but I found that when I joined MFP and added walking to my routine I began to lose again. I also make sure I have more than 8 glasses of water a day and I'm sure that has helped. Keep at it. It will happen for you. I'm learning patience, too!! LOL!!
  • PinchHitre
    PinchHitre Posts: 1 Member
    To lose that amount of weight in such a short time is fantastic! I don't like to exercise in a gym either, but I like doing is walking. Go to you library and check out a book on tape and listen to it only when you are out walking. If the book is good, you will be anxious to get back out the next day. You can start slow and gradually over time pick up the pace and amount of time. You can start with 15 minutes and work it up to 30 minutes once or twice a day. Give it a try and good luck. Steve
  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    Losing 3 pounds in a month is NOT a plateau. You say you know it's a process and will be hard work, but it sounds to me like you ARE looking for quick results. Your weight loss has slowed down, which is normal. Not everyone can sustain losing 10 pounds a month long term. Stick with your process, and you will see results in the LONG term.

    Good luck!
  • jjs22
    jjs22 Posts: 156
    It sounds like you are really doing things right and have thought things out. If you feel good about upping your exercise, that will certainly help.

    I tend to try to stay below my target calories on a day to day basis (just like trying to keep your checkbook on the "good" side of zero). So at the end of the week I usually find I haven't eaten quite enough. Lets me have a nice big breakfast or ribeye or something on the weekend. Kind of like "zig-zagging", but less deliberate. Anyway, this supposedly helps to avoid plateaus.

    The other thing to "work on" is just to be okay with things as they are. As long as you are eating healthy and meeting your net calorie targets, the weight will come off on its own, whether you care about or not. The best diet plan in the whole world is just being in the habit of eating the right number of calories of healthy food. If you achieve your target weight through some heroic push, the natural response is going to be to want to relax afterwards. Sounds like your situation is a little different than most (baby weight + bedrest), but these days I think *everybody* needs to make healthy eating/exercise more of a habit than a special undertaking.
  • sweetheatha
    I'm not looking for nor am I expecting quick results! I know it requires hard work to get results and I have no problem with that. Was just wondering if other people have experienced the same thing I am faced with. Eating habits are of course the most important thing but I just found it interesting that after such a drastic change the first 2 months that as soon as month #3 hit, my body stopped responding. I was not a healthy eater by any means in the past and I take ful lresponsibility for what has happened to my body. And I know my body went through a shock phase in the beginning because I stopped eating and drinking crap. No excuses- I did this to myself and I will undo it as well! Thanks to those who showed support and have given me some helpful tips on how to approach adding more exercise into my daily activities...I really appreciate the kind words :). Good luck to all of you!!
  • NFash
    NFash Posts: 7
    I've been on this plan for almost 6 weeks. I lost 19 lbs and now I cannot get the scale to budge. I eat about 1100 to 1200 calories a day and never eat sweets. I exercise hard through a daily walk or run, alternating. Two weeks and nothing, this is frustrating!
  • jazzalea
    jazzalea Posts: 412 Member

    first don't give up!

    I started this journey at 320 pounds about 18 months ago and I'm down to 185 pounds this morning!

    But I can't tell you the number of times I've either plateaued or even gained weight back for no apparent reason..... but sooner or later, it's going to kick back in and you will start that wonderful slide back down the scales....

    one trick that I've learned to help kick my metabolism back into gear is to eat my carbs first thing in the morning so that it gets the motor burning for the day, and limiting them during the afternoon and evening so that they aren't sitting there in my digestive track turning to sugars while I'm resting.

    don't give up, this isn't a race.... this is just you taking control of YOUR body and sculpting it into the one that you want....