It's time to get serious! my weight loss journey begins.

Hi all,

I just wanted to introduce myself and hopefully find others to add as a support system. I've thought of myself and fat and overweight my entire life. I can't recall a time in my life that I didn't hate the way my body made me feel. Which is unfortunate because looking back, I wasn't always as big as I thought I was. Unfortunately that type of thinking has caused me to stay on a lifelong struggle with my weight and body image. I've always been a heavier person but I wasn't always unhealthy or inactive. But as I grow older and the possibilities of diabetes and high blood pressure(things that run in my family) loom closer, I find myself questioning not whether or not I'll end up with a health issue but rather, how much longer I have until it creeps up on me.

I've had successes in weight loss through drastic (though monitored) weight loss plans during high school. Sadly, university did not end up being a healthy place for my waistline and emotional well being which is what lead to greater weight gain. Now at the heaviest in my entire life, and with university over with, it's time to get back to being a better me. Only this time, it'll be through portion control and fitness.

Any kind of change in life is no easy task and supportive people always make the journey easier so hopefully I can find others who are going through the same life changes and are dedicated to reaching their goals. :)