1,200 calories is not enough!



  • kylie541
  • chickadee10
    Should I be more concerned about calories, carbs, fat, or protein at first?
  • cherapple
    cherapple Posts: 670 Member
    Should I be more concerned about calories, carbs, fat, or protein at first?

    I would say processed carbs are probably the biggest diet downfall, in my opinion. Get rid of sugars, white flours, crackers, cookies, cakes, most cereals, most breads, and other processed foods and you will be a long way toward a healthier diet. Of course, you don't have to go cold turkey, but these foods are usually full of chemicals and preservatives and they've been stripped of nutrition, so it's good to cut way down. The rest -- healthy fats, lean sources of protein, and good (complex) carbs -- will follow.
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    I don't know if you are following a particular plan or not, but I am doing Atkins, A Low Carb plan, and I am not counting calories.............

    I am using this site to track my food and fluid intake so I am accountable for what goes in my mouth, both good and bad.

    I have barely went over 1,200 calories since I have started though. I am wondering if I am eating enough, but I am eating a LOT of veggies which have few calories, but they are keeping me full and satisfied and that is what really counts!!

    I have finally gotten over the ickies of detoxing and have the burst of energy I was waiting on!!! (I quit smoking and started Low carb the same day) Detox from caffeine, sugar, starchy, white flour carbs and nicotine is awful. I felt like I had the flu for several days...................Last evening I starting feeling pretty good and I am wide awake since 2:30am this morning!!!

    Now, to get my chiropractor to allow me to start working out and I can start exercising!!!

    If you keep your eating plan pretty natural, it is easy to eat plenty, plenty, plenty and stay at or right below 1,200 calories...................For me, right now..........I am eating good proteins, healthy fats and lots of green, leafy vegetables and salad vegetables...............

    In 7 days, I can start adding in more veggies and this will provide more variety!!!

    Woooo Hooo to a New Year, A New Start and A Healthy Lifestyle