Brown rice is good?!?!

MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
edited October 2 in Food and Nutrition
So...for years I have detested brown rice. The taste and texture were never appealing to me. But the other day I got a bag of it and told myself TOO FREAKIN' BAD, YOU'RE GONNA EAT IT AND LOVE IT! IT'S GOOD FOR YOU! (Self-talk, isn't it great?!?)
I bought a big ol' bag of Lundberg's Organic (short grain) Brown Rice from Costco...threw a batch in my rice steamer...and oh my gosh...why didn't anyone tell me what I was missing all these years?! This stuff is INCREDIBLE!!! My 12 yo daughter even loves it!!! A pinch of salt sprinkled on top and it's amazing.

Just had to share. (Perhaps my taste buds have changed with all of this healthier eating we've been doing...whatever it is, I'll take it...I'm excited to be able to say I actually like BROWN rice!)


  • Aross83
    Aross83 Posts: 936 Member
    Brown rice is very yummy.. have been eating it for years! very good for you.. way better than white rice...
    with some veggies and chicken.. your good to go!
  • I have tried brown rice over the years and hate the texture. I have cooked it plain, with onions and peppers, even tofu. Just don't like it. so I will see if they have that Lundberg's brand here.I doubt it but it can't hurt to look. Thanks for the info.
  • lambchop1042
    lambchop1042 Posts: 102 Member
    I love brown rice for the texture-- it's a lot chewier than white rice. And it tastes kinda nutty. Plus all that fiber! It you regularly eat 1 cup of brown rice, you'll find you don't have to worry about meeting your fiber needs for the day!

    I think a lot of "healthy" stuff (like wheat bread, pasta, and brown rice) we got in our heads not to like it as kids b/c it looked weird and tasted "funny". But now as an adult I've found if I give stuff a chance I like it a lot better! Win-win!
  • hamncheese67
    hamncheese67 Posts: 1,715 Member
    I definitely prefer the short grain brown rice over the long grain. And I like the Lundberg's one. My local Whole Foods had it on sale over the weekend.
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