Started over 3 weeks ago!

I started over 3 weeks ago, but really committed hard-core to this program about 2 weeks ago. It's difficult to make the changes, but I'm chugging along.

I hope to make some new friends and workout partners on here!

Keep it up! :)


  • Hi,

    I've also just recently joined, I have tried to lose weight before put have never been fully determined but I am this time.
    Good luck.
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    Hi, I started a month ago, really never used MFP until them. I have tracked all my food everyday and am doing an hour of cardio everyday. Strength training, 4 days a week.....

    Hope you are successful.
  • KimmehL
    KimmehL Posts: 373 Member
    Wishing you success! I started a lifestyle change about 6 weeks ago--but just started logging in here a few days ago.