Will I EVER feel skinny?



  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    If it's really getting you down you could try speaking to your doctor about some counselling, lots of people I know have had something called Cognitive Behaviour Therapy which seems like it could really help in your situation if you are unable to resolve it. :)

    Edit: I looked at your profile and seriously, you look amazing hun!

    If you are a size 2 or 4 and unhappy with your size, I would seek help to improve your self esteem and work on your perception of yourself. Letting it go and continuing to struggle with your body could result in unhealthy habits.
  • lloydmel
    lloydmel Posts: 259 Member
    It's SO HARD! This society is crazy over skinny people... so it helps feed our insecurities! I think what you have to do, is when you are feeling good about yourself, take pictures and hang them up or get some post-its and write wonderful things about yourself that you like (even on your bad days) and stick them on the mirror.
    The more positive you can be about what you do like, the more you'll start to tell yourself those things instead of the other, not so great messages....
    When you look in the mirror, and hear those negative voices start to creep up, try to automatically say something good about yourself. Start telling yourself that you are great, and are a wonderful person... keep saying things outloud to yourself in the mirror, and you'll start replacing the bad messages with good ones. If you don't like your stomach, don't focus on it as much as something you do like about yourself...
    I am NOWHERE where I want to be, but after I briefly tug on the spots of my stomach, thighs and butt that I don't like... I start flexing my arm muscles or check out my back muscles or something that I love about how far I've come.
    You'll get there, but you have to work on your inner messages to yourself. Try to replace them with the positives! You can do this and you've come so far and should be proud of what you've done!