Do I up my calories again?

I had prior to 2 weeks ago, eating a flat 1200 calories. And exercising 6 or 7 days a week, burning 500 calories each workout. I was not eating these calories, and I got a BMF and I burn (just doing nothing, as proved by me being sick and doing nothing the other day, like 16-1700 calories). So my deficit on days I work and stuff had been close to 2000 calories some days. Then I plateaued and I read about eating exercise calories and stuff. So week one upped to 1400 calories lost 1 lb, week 2 bumped to 1500 calories, lost 4.2 lb. (I was PMSing the week before so some of this was water attention from week one, but still weight lost).

So after having that good of weight loss, was wondering if I should go up again, or stick to 1500 for another week. I'm going back and forth on this. Any advice is welcomed. I am trying to go up slowly, because I don't want to end up gaining weight.


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    personally, the more i can eat, the happier i am, so i would up it again!

    you do a lot of exercise, so you can stand to eat a fair amount and still lose weight.