New to treadmill

rvandenburg Posts: 3 Member
edited October 2 in Fitness and Exercise
Any ideas why my shins go numb after 15 minutes on the treadmill? I change up the intensity and incline every three minutes, starting at 2.5, up to 2.8 then 3.0. 3.0 is about as fast as I can walk. Striving for 30 minutes, but after 15, my shins go numb.


  • udallmom101
    udallmom101 Posts: 564 Member
    I would suggest a good pair of walking shoes if you don't already have some. I have found that since I started to purchase my walking/running shoes at a store that specializes in checking your stride and actually measuring my feet correctly I haven't had that problem. But if you are new to the treadmill maybe start out without an incline and see what happens.
  • JenOman
    JenOman Posts: 97 Member
    Do they do this when you walk outside? I hurt more on the treadmill (I blame the bounciness of it) than outside. Plus, there has been research that working out outside burns more calories. Treadmills are nice for pace, but I recommend mixing it up.

    or you could try different shoes.

    Good luck either way!! And remember to stretch your shins (point & flex and writing the alphabet with your big toe helps me)
  • Manapaws
    Manapaws Posts: 72 Member
    slow your speed down and stop before your shin hurt. Work your way up to your goal slower. if your just starting out your body is not used to the change. Give it time you will make your goal.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    google "numb legs when jogging" and some interesting theories come up, I know because I have the same problem, you can sift through it and see what applies to you and what doesn't, if it is really bothersome, you could consult your Dr......
  • AprilTram
    AprilTram Posts: 50 Member
    Mine did that too at 1st.. I'm not a doc.. but I was told I need to stretch before walking.. I started doing that and also rub icyhot on my legs before walking and they didn't hurt, well I could handle the small pain that i got... I've been walking for about a month now for 30-60 mins at 3.7 and they don't give me any problems anymore and I don't do anything to them now.. Not sure if this help.. :-/
  • An incline of 1 will mimic walking or running outside, you don't need to go any higher than that. As soon as I do, my knees start screaming.
  • 1. GOOD sneakers are a must

    2. start out with lower incline & lesser speed/intesity ( you actually will build some bone density & your shins will get tougher over time, but too much too quick & you can get shin splints & they are very sore)

    3. ice packs after your session to cool your shins.

    good luck on your journey!
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