


  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    I have been a coffee drinker on and off for a long time now, lol. I've drank my coffee black with nothing to lots of creamer and splenda! Recently, my stomach has become more sensitive to coffee, so I switched to using a 1/2 the caffeine coffee. I buy what's relatively inexpensive, since the good stuff is pricey and we tend to drink a lot of coffee in my house. Of the lesser expensive brands, Folgers is probably the best. Right now, I just drink mine with a couple of teaspoons of splenda so that I don't add extra calories. I try to stay away from high calorie beverages as much as possible.
  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    Options I miss it. I have stopped drinking coffee since feb. Lemme smell your coffee...LEMME!

    Good for you, lol! I've tried to stop drinking coffee, but it's just so unpleasant...
  • trazrene
    Hi, my name is trazrene and I'm addicted to coffee!

    (just like AA!!)
  • JPDad
    JPDad Posts: 147
    Coffee - Black made with French Press, Clover or Drip. If it's from Tim Horton's then I add cream and sugar.
    Espresso - I like cappuccinos or lattes, depending on the amount of dairy I have already had. No sugar or syrup added
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    I detest the taste but need the rush and keep a glass in the refrigerator to swig 10 minutes before a workout.
    Straight black - any brand is fine. They are all equally loathsome.
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,190 Member
    I am a Skinny Latte drinker! Most people look at me strange when I ask for a Skinny Latte.... ummm why??? HAHA
  • wk9t
    wk9t Posts: 237 Member
    I have been a coffee drinker on and off for a long time now, lol. I've drank my coffee black with nothing to lots of creamer and splenda! Recently, my stomach has become more sensitive to coffee, so I switched to using a 1/2 the caffeine coffee. I buy what's relatively inexpensive, since the good stuff is pricey and we tend to drink a lot of coffee in my house. Of the lesser expensive brands, Folgers is probably the best. Right now, I just drink mine with a couple of teaspoons of splenda so that I don't add extra calories. I try to stay away from high calorie beverages as much as possible.

    I'm with you ... I tend to buy the less expensive coffee. I LOVE Folgers Black Silk!
  • tritta01
    tritta01 Posts: 311
    I cant drink my coffee black, but i use a sugar free syrup that i buy at the store (kinda spendy sometimes) but it has no calories and then i add a half of a cup of 1% milk

    What type have you found with no calories? I can't go without my cup of coffee and would love to have a no calorie substitue!
    Its called "Torani" and i get the sugar free hazelnut or vanilla

    I know caribou coffee online has some and I know they are VERY good I use them almost everyday! :) They bottles are 7.49 but they are bigger then the torani and I know those run around 4 bucks a bottle.
  • ogosun
    ogosun Posts: 175 Member
    Kona Classic is AMAZING coffee. It's from Hawaii.

    Also a big fan of Barzula (Turkish)
    totally have to agree with you... the best....
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    I have been looking for this one :)

    I use 1 cup whole milk, 1 to 2 tbs moffee mate peppermint mocha coffee creamer, 1 cup coffee; dunkin donuts ground coffee.

    It has protein and is very creamy. It also tastes wonderful! and is home made:bigsmile:

    I love :love: my coffee!
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I like almost any brand/type of coffee, with almond milk and sweetener. It easily fits into my daily calories since it averages, 10-20 cal only.

    I love caffeine.....but sometimes will drink decaf if it's all that is available.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    I'm a coffee snob. I like bold and darks roasts. Love coffee it's manna from heaven. I drink it black and very strong. When I want dessert I'll add creamer. I drink between 3-6 cups a day. I like making a four shot expresso and add a little water and that is the perfect cup of coffee. :tongue: :laugh: :drinker: :drinker:
  • cameralinds
    You are new to coffee drinking and you take it black? That is impressive.

    I'm a Barista at Starbucks, and I hate to say it, but the job has spoiled my taste in coffee. I like medium roasts black, and darker blends mixed with something, obviously, making it less bold. I'm required to try every coffee we offer in its original state and my current favorite is the Thanksgiving blend. It kind of has a nutty, roasted taste. It's delicious blended with vanilla protein powder, 1/2 cup of skim milk, a dash of cinnamon and some ice. (That's my current favorite way to drink it at the moment).
  • Akahime
    Akahime Posts: 35 Member
    I have a Tassimo and enjoy the Nabob Cafe Crema or French Vanilla with a tablespoon of fat free hazelnut creamer, Gevalia dark roast that I drink black at breakfast as a chaser to my glass of soy milk. I drink any other coffee I get black. I am also a tea lover. My new obsession is David's Tea Coffee Pu'erh which is a tea with coffee beans in it! It's just awesome and the health benefits of pu'erh tea are amazing!
  • vs1023
    vs1023 Posts: 417 Member
    I love coffee. At home I brew either Starbucks or Larry's Beans (from NC). I use organic half and half and stevia extract. I also love latte's. I try to stay away from my favorites like cocoa capuccinos, mocha's and peppermint mocha (my fave), but if i do want it I just get 1 pump of syrup for a little flavor and much less sugar.
  • vs1023
    vs1023 Posts: 417 Member
    You are new to coffee drinking and you take it black? That is impressive.

    I'm a Barista at Starbucks, and I hate to say it, but the job has spoiled my taste in coffee. I like medium roasts black, and darker blends mixed with something, obviously, making it less bold. I'm required to try every coffee we offer in its original state and my current favorite is the Thanksgiving blend. It kind of has a nutty, roasted taste. It's delicious blended with vanilla protein powder, 1/2 cup of skim milk, a dash of cinnamon and some ice. (That's my current favorite way to drink it at the moment).

    Interesting about the protein powder and such. I've never tried the Thanksgiving blend, but I love Pike Place, Sumatra, Christmas blends the best.
  • vikkilo21
    You are new to coffee drinking and you take it black? That is impressive.

    I'm a Barista at Starbucks, and I hate to say it, but the job has spoiled my taste in coffee. I like medium roasts black, and darker blends mixed with something, obviously, making it less bold. I'm required to try every coffee we offer in its original state and my current favorite is the Thanksgiving blend. It kind of has a nutty, roasted taste. It's delicious blended with vanilla protein powder, 1/2 cup of skim milk, a dash of cinnamon and some ice. (That's my current favorite way to drink it at the moment).

    Sorry, but i must say that in my personal opinion Starbucks coffee tastes like dirt compared to the amazing stuff we have here (New Zealand) I never get any coffee or tea from Starbucks because to me, the blends all taste burned and just... ugh. Plus i'm very pro-fair trade :D That being said, AWESOME hot chocolates.
    On another note, i take my coffee stroooooong, either black or with a little 2% milk and one sugar if i'm in the mood for something sweet
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    We grind our beans, usually organic fair trade from Peru or Mexico. I add milk, and sometimes a bit of sugar. I don't like artificial creamers and sweeteners. If its just coffee with 20 ml 2% milk, its only 10 calories I think. Not much at all, and then you're not eating synthetic junk. :-) I'm all about the whole foods. My yogurt has to be at least 3%, I use butter in my baking. The only artificial sweetener I use is Xylitol, in my homemade toothpaste. It has some great benefits for teeth.

    If you can't have milk, try almond milk. Fewer calories, still yummy. Steer clear of soy milk. Disgusting
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    I either cold brew it, which takes a lb of coffee at a time and 12 hrs but lasts a week or so and is delicious, or I brew it hot in a coffee pot and have it with a bit of light vanilla soy milk.
  • vsmurrow
    vsmurrow Posts: 145
    I like my coffee like I like my men... Strong, hot, and black.