Mom of two year old...want to lose the mommy weight!

Hello all! I'm really excited to join and continue on my journey of losing weight and becoming healthy! I'm a 25 year old stay at home mom of a beautiful 2 year old daughter and a wife to loving and compassionate man who wants to be the women I always envisioned I would be. For me, that's not just about the scale, but how I feel. I want to feel comfortable, happy, and confident, but most of all-healthy. I had gestational diabetes, and diabetes runs in my family. I want to avoid the health problems that diabetes brings.
Since December, I've lost 25 pounds. I'm currently at the weight (130) I was when I got pregnant 2 years, 9 months ago. When I gave birth to my little monkey, I pretty much went to down to 140, but going from a full time working gal to a stay at home mom drastically changed how much I needed to consume but I didn't change what I was eating. I was too busy loving and growing my daughter to notice until my husband went on a diet and invited me along. Stepping on the scale made me confront a my body changed during and after pregnancy and nursing for 17 months. It made me confront how this had happened? What emotional issues brought this on? I'm sorting through all this while trying to be healthy, and happy. And part of that is losing some of the weight I've gained since high school. My first goal is 115. As I'm short, 5ft even, that will put me at the middle of my healthy range (98 to 128). I'm beyond excited to continue using this website and all the tools and support!


  • NicolCook
    NicolCook Posts: 489 Member
    Welcome! Good luck in reaching your goals :)
  • rayneface
    rayneface Posts: 219 Member
    I find Kim Dolan Leto a great inspriation to mom's everywhere.... she looks amazing and has great advice ... you should check her out on Facebook or Oxygen Magazine's website. (She is a fitness model)