Its about time....

Ok, Iam 45 and have a BMI of 32, my BMR = 1500 calories. haha. I need to consume less than that per day to lose weight associated with my fitness goals. I am here because I miss my lean, tone body from college. I realize that as children come and I age, my body changes. I really want to be fit again but I am not that great at self motivating.

I really don't have excuses because I am up before the sun most days and my work day ends at 3pm. Plenty of time, just not plenty of energy. I am a single parent of 2 girls, one of which is 13, the other is 9. My teenager is my polar opposite. Where I was involved in athletics and very social, she is a homebody with very few friends. She isn't interested in fashion, athletics. She prefers to play video games and have internet chats rather than experiences with friends.

I feel totally disconnected to her. I love her and want her to have everything in life. :-(

I probably eat my way through the stress....I should have some exercise outlets.


  • No, you don't have to eat less than your BMR! That is the calories you consume if you are catatonic all day. Also, I think losing 40 lbs by December is too aggressive. I've lost 30 since last December, that feels more sustainable to me. I suggest putting in a goal of a pound a week and see how many calories MFP budgets for you. Do some regular exercise every day, even just walking, and I bet you will start to feel more energy. Your body will look forward to it every day and gear up for it, and you will feel better the rest of the day. And you will find it MUCH easier to meet your calorie budget.

    Good luck and enjoy watching the pounds come off (slowly).
  • Thanks for the tips. Today was a blow it day. I ate a decent breakfast, had a late lunch out (subway) then when I got home to feed my kids it was all about feeling full and tasting good. Darn home made soft tacos! Of course I cannot eat just one, all the while knowing that this is a bad decision for me.

    Probably could have drank more water today as well. As they say, tomorrow is another day. At least on Monday I can see what surgeon says about going back to the gym! :-)

    Once I am back at work I tend to eat better too. Small lunch at 11:00, healthy snack at 3:00pm. Then All I need to worry about is dinner. I can do salad for a while.

    Have you ever used HGC drops? or injections?