50 years old and not loving it

Hi, Everyone. Turned 50 and not loving it. Physical issues, but being overweight is now not the least of my problems. I like this site a lot and am hoping for the best. I have been successful on many programs, only to gain it all back again. Hope we can help one another out... LJM :flowerforyou:


  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    tell me - blew a knee doing the shred & I'm out for a week to a month- Only exercise I can do w/o injury is jumping to conclusions & flying off the handle
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    There are no reasons why you can't lose the weight. I've seen people with all kinds aof medical conditions lose weight here and in the process they cured many of those medical problems.

    I'm 57. I lost 52 pounds when I was 53. I have thyroid problems, and I've broken three bones since I started here.

    You can't get younger.

    You can get healthier. Good luck.
  • nikkizmom1962
    nikkizmom1962 Posts: 93 Member
    Hi and welcome I am soooooo dreading turning 50, but on the upside I decided on June 21st (my 49th) that i would be healthy and fit for my 50th so I am detemined I have decided that although I will be 50 in ys. I will be 30 in my mind.........lol so I totally understand how you are feeling:) good luck with your journey.
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    I'm also 50 and pushing back on the health problems too. There is hope! My issues are already improving and I'm only a couple of months in.
  • Yep, right with ya here! Turned 50 in April, quit smoking last June, gained 30 and was already 30 lbs overweight. I've been pretty consistent and have lost 7 lbs in 6 weeks. It is only a start but I'm not complaining until this time next year. Add me as a friend. Good luck!!!
  • I turned 50 too -- 11 years ago :)
    I am not thrilled with getting older, but it sure beats the alternative.
    As to downsizing: I have now worked off almost 45 pounds since February 13 this year. I certainly never THOUGHT I could do it, but deciding to give it the old college try was the first move in the right direction. I still have at least 35 pounds to go - I'll let you know when I feel "right" :)
    Now I have more energy, people have I haven't seen for a couple of months are noticing how different I look and I'm having fun trying new stuff!
    I just started Zumba -- totally uncoordinated, but what fun to try! and I got on a bicycle for the first time in 3o+ years this afternoon because I'm thinking that cycling is cheaper and healthier
    I guess I'm saying that if a 61-year-old grandma can do it, a 50-year-old spring chicken ought to at least give it a try :)
    Come kiddo!
    Walk with me :)
  • Hi, Everyone. Turned 50 and not loving it. Physical issues, but being overweight is now not the least of my problems. I like this site a lot and am hoping for the best. I have been successful on many programs, only to gain it all back again. Hope we can help one another out... LJM :flowerforyou:
    Dont be too hard on yourself. I know you can do it. And this time you have all of us rooting for you. Think possitive!
  • You are not alone! Add some friends & get the support you know is out there. We are in this together!! I'm proud of you for taking that first step! And someone's gotta keep me on track!! :)
  • rhodenizer
    rhodenizer Posts: 95 Member
    Hey ladies, I went through a miserable time turning 40, made everyone miserable along with me.....so as I approached 50 I decided I was going to take on a new outlook on life and instead of "oh wooesss me" I am getting old, which by the way we can do nothing about, I decided to plan my own party and invite 7 of my long time friends. They were told to bring only themselves, accomodations at a friends lodge was included, all the food and cake would be provide along with the drinks. They were to bring pictures and a story of when and where we first met. None of these gals knew each other, I was the common link. We had a blast and now 9 years later I am about to start the planning to bring them all back for my 60th. I made a concious decision, to get healthy and look at life one moment at a time and have fun, because trust me if you don't, you waste precious moments of your life fretting over age and tomorrow you just may not be there to fret. Now 33 pounds lighter I feel so much better about my life and I am going to make 60 to have that party....you can all do it too.......50 rocks and 60 ..well you really are only 30 years young with 30 years of experience :)
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    I've read that 60 is the new 40. :laugh:

    I am always looking for friends 50 and over so feel free to friend me.
  • Hoppymom
    Hoppymom Posts: 1,158 Member
    Welcome. Day 16 of MFP for me. I've lost 11 pounds in the last month. At 54 I know that it will be harder than if I were 24 due to hormonal and physical issues. But I WILL do it. So can you. Friend some people, log everything and have some fun too.
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    I also say getting older is better than the alternative, my dear husband died at 47 and he would have loved to be 50! I've got a big costume party planned for my 50th, and am nearly 1/2 way to through my 'hot for my 50th' project of hopefully losing 5 kgs before the event. After that I've got plans to be goal weight by the end of the year.

    I saw my mother give up on herself after 50 and I'm determined to not be that person. I love every day of my life and like I tell my children, we deserve a fabulous life, so go for it, you deserve it!

  • ZumbaLin
    ZumbaLin Posts: 87 Member
    I hear you! I just turned 55 and decided it was time to 'take the bull by the horns'! I have come to love the saying 'nothing tastes as good as thin feels'. I know I feel better and have more energy as the numbers on the scale lower and the stress on my joints diminishes. I'm too young for knee replacements - so it's time to do something about it!! This site is a big help. And remembering I can do ALL things thru Christ who strengthens me is another big reminder. Grandkids have also made me want to get healthy - I love to play with them and I want to have the energy to do so when we're fortunate enough to be able to spend time with them - hard when you live a few states away:-) Joining some exercise classes has also been a big motivator - from not being able to do 1 sit-up or push up to being able to do many. We can do this!! Make it fun, have you tried Zumba? I've never sweat as much EVER - and I love it!!! If you want to friend me we can motivate each other!!!!
  • mikebudd
    mikebudd Posts: 26 Member
    I just celebrated the 8th anniversary of my 50th birthday. I think it was Mark Twain that said "Getting old is hell, but it beats the alternative" and I have to agree. Age is starting to bring all types of challenges I would prefer to not have to deal with, but I am learning that dealing with them now is my best option. MFP has helped me a lot in the month I have belonged. Feel free to friend me if you want and we can help motivate each other.