Weigh In Day....

Hi everyone.. I hope you are all having a good day thus far... =)

So my weigh in days are Wednesday... My best friend says that we should just weigh ourselves that one day, BUT, I don't want to..
I want to weigh myself everyday. Some people say that it's a bad thing and others don't.

What do you think?


  • I like weighing in daily, because it helps me stay focused and reminds me that this is a daily journey not a weekly one. I think everyone has to find their own comfort zone. Mine is a daily weigh-in.
  • navyw1fe
    navyw1fe Posts: 313 Member
    I weigh every morning after 1st bathroom use but only Log on saturdays..
  • Good Idea navywife...I just started MyFitnessPal 2 weeks ago and am trying to decide on when to weigh. I am weighing on Friday and Monday but will only log on Monday. Thanks all for the ideas...
  • I usually try to weigh myself 2 or 3 times a week, but I only log it on Fridays. I also weigh in first thing in the morning, after I use the bathroom but before I have breakfast
  • I fluctuate daily. Personally, I'd rather see a pound or two DOWN (after a week) instead of .5 up... .5 down..... on a daily basis. It's all in what works for you!
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    I weigh myself first thing every morning, but have only one official weigh-in day (wednesdays). I realize my weight will fluctuate up and down a bit from day to day...but I want to know if I really screw something up during the week so I can adjust if necessary.
  • I weight daily, but only log on Tuesdays... it's all about what you feel comforable doing!

    My reasoning is this: when you weigh daily, you will see that the numbers can sometimes fluctuate alot (salt intake, water intake, TOM, etc..) I would hate for my only weekly weigh-in to be on a "high" day...

    I love knowing how I am doing on a daily basis.

    Personally, I find that if I only weigh myself once a week (lets say on Tuesdays), then I will tend to eat worse on Wednesday and Thursday, because I know there is no weigh-in for another 7 days... I also choose Tuesdays for my official day to put my weight down because that means I can't binge as much on the weekends (which are always my hardest days!) ;)

    I also find that weighing daily makes me not want to eat out, or eat meals with a lot of salt in them very often (which is a good thing!)

    It really doesn't matter if you want to weigh daily, and your friend weekly... as long as you are both doing what works for you!!

    Good luck finding your happy medium! ;)

    P.S. You can get over-obsessed with the scale (I hit that point for a while), so just be careful not to do that! :S
  • purplepollypops
    purplepollypops Posts: 323 Member
    Weigh yourself every day if you want to! Who's the boss of you, you or your friend? lol
    I weigh myself every day but only record it once a week on Sundays which is my "official" weigh in day. I like to do this as it helps me keep in check during the week.
    Do what is right for you, not what others tell you :smile:
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    I weigh nearly everyday and log it at skinnyr.com. I only ever log my lowests here.

    People who weigh everyday are more likely to lose weight and keep it off. It's true. But do what works for YOU.
  • mandemonious
    mandemonious Posts: 217 Member
    I fluctuate daily. Personally, I'd rather see a pound or two DOWN (after a week) instead of .5 up... .5 down..... on a daily basis. It's all in what works for you!

    I agree. Seeing the daily fluctuations drives me mad. So, I try to weigh only once per week and log on that day: Friday (first thing in the am). Sometimes I weigh myself in the middle just cause I can't stand the suspense, but I never log those cause I have had the misfortune of having to log gains after logging losses when I do it that way. It sucks to see the ticker move the other way, but at least it doesn't post on your profile "mandchic has gained 2 lbs since her last weigh in." LOL..that would be terrible demotivation!
  • Lizzy_Sunflower
    Lizzy_Sunflower Posts: 1,510 Member
    You get used to the fluctuations, and you get to see immediately how foods affect you personally.

    There are a lot of scientific studies in reference to daily weighing, and the results are that you are able to keep the weight off.

    the trick is to not obsess over the "number" don't look at your number as a good or a bad thing, just look at is as another tool.

    Daily weighing was the topic of a weight loss study I am involved with. I have lost 37 lbs in 7 months weighing daily, and tracking my calories here on MFP. (and yes I only log here on my official weigh in day)

  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I'm a fan of weighing everyday (almost). It keeps me motivated. I feel that's how I gained the weight in the first place...I didn't want to see the numbers so I kept putting it off and deluding myself into thinking it's not that much. But some people can't handle seeing those up fluctuations, so weighing everyday is probably not a good thing.
  • scott1024
    scott1024 Posts: 279 Member
    I weigh in every day because the Wii Fit tells me to. I don't want to piss that thing off! That being said, my "official" weigh in days are Tuesday and Saturday - and those are the two days I will post results (unless I have an awesome loss and I can't contain myself!).
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    I officially weigh-in once a week (today)

    I have recently developed a bit of a thing for the scales and weigh myself every day - watching myself fluctuate ona daily basis is too depressing so when I get back from my holiday I am going to weigh-in once a week (maybe even once a fortnight!)
  • Thanks everyone.. Your advice has helped me a lot.. =)
    I'm going to weigh myself everyday.. I do love seeing the scale go down; even if it is a .3 or 2lbs!
    I think it will keep me motivated..
  • DLPenny
    DLPenny Posts: 41 Member
    i weigh myself once a week --Fridays, i used too weigh in everyday till it got me upset..now once a wk and i lost alot so far..
  • Once a week for me..
    It makes me bonkers when i see the days I am up...
    So I try to remember it is only a tool...
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    I weigh myself whenever I darn well please :bigsmile:

    However, I will not log my losses on MFP until I lose 2 or more pounds. I just like to see a big jump down on my ticker :bigsmile:
  • I defo couldnt weigh myself everyday. Our weight fluctuates so much on a daily basis that it would just be to discouraging for me. I weigh in on Fridays and only fridays. A weigh in on Fridays also means if i slip up over the weekend (this being my less strict time of the week) I've got the time to make up for it over the coming week :)