Need some advice from someone in similair situation

I'm a 55yo post menopausal female. Three years ago I weighed 155lbs,....I'm 5'4",.......then I had a hysterectomy. In no time after the surgery I put on 40 lbs. I'm now serious about getting it off, but have found my knowledge about weight loss is not great. I work out three days a week (30 minutes of cardio, and 30 minutes of strength training). The auto goals on MFP have me at 1200 cal a day, I try to stay at that, though I will admit it usually ranges from 1200-1400 cal. I'm in the first week of "month #3", the first month I lost 8lbs, the second month I didn't lose anything. I'm frustrated,.....should I exercise more?, less?,.....both? Everyone I talk to about this has different advise,.....some have actually told me I need to increase my calorie count,.....though that sounds GREAT, doesn't make sense to me. Any other postmenopausal MFP members have similiar problems or advice?


  • Barbj56
    Barbj56 Posts: 39 Member
    I am 55 years old and also had a hysterectomy. How many pounds are you set to lose each week? I had my greatest success at 1 pound per week. Eat all your calories plus your exercise calories. That is what worked for me!
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,210 Member
    I'm not in the same situ, but you've arrived at a great site and 'tool' to help you. Have you started logging your food and setting up your settings to losing weight? that is a big first step and will naturally help you. Be sure to read EVERY label and truly plan what you are going to eat, not just throw stuff in your trolly. It's amazing how one meal can be really high in calories but not the other. Also try and cook fresh as much as possible, not always easy I do appreciate that (as I have 3 children and I'm a full time student).

    There are lots of groups in the motivation section and exercise section you can join in to help you hav ea mini goal - there are a couple of september ones for 5lb goals, just remember though that if you don't hit your target don't beat yourself up. you TRY your best, but if you don't make it don't give up that will only undo all your hard work.

    Burning calories is definately good so try to think about ways to fit exercise in and start enjoying something you like - much better to do something you enjoy than slog your way through something you hate.

    You can do this and well done for keeping going!
  • catdoc1
    catdoc1 Posts: 227 Member
    I'm a 48yo mom who had a hysterectomy in May. It's a very scarey concept, but the women in the Weight Watchers triathlete group that I belong to INSIST that eating more (healthy food, not junk) is imperative to keeping your metabolism up so that you lose weight. If you eat too few calories, your metabolism slows and clutches to the weight as your body thinks it's going into starvation mode. Also, you do not want your body to start catabolizing muscle, and it will. Everyone hits platueas, where the scale isn't moving but the tapemeasure is. Do your measurements (and note how your clothes feel) and hang tight. You're in this for the long haul, so experimenting a little bit is okay. For example, you might try eating all your exercise calories this week and see what happens. MFP tends to overestimate workout calories a bit, and the most accurate way to figure calories burned is using a good quality heart rate monitor (HRM). Let me know how it's going, I'm interested in your success and what you figure out.

  • Hi I am postmenopausal and I totally can understand the weight does not budge what really is helping me is to find a group and exercise together here in MFP. I only stick to a 1200 calorie plan and that seems to be helping me. Join a group take ur mind off the scale and slowly results will come , subconscious stress does add to the weightgain.Hystectomy puts additional stress hope u are not on any replacements since ur postmenopausal.
  • Quaters
    Quaters Posts: 85 Member
    Hello funny that ,thats what happened to me when i had a hysta.... they say in put out put what you put in you have to work off,i am good at the advice but am having a struggle at the moment. at the moment i am restricting my carbs,that seems to drop the weight off but all in all we have to be realistic ,it takes time i know if i don't exercise i put on more and i need to up it i also feel better after i have done it, so stay in the zone keep on this site as it helps to track our food. I am also on the 12000 cals and go over slightly but hey it could be worse if we are not tracking what we eat it most likely would be 2000. keep up your good work. yes this is a great site,lots of good advice.
  • I'm a 55yo post menopausal female. Three years ago I weighed 155lbs,....I'm 5'4",.......then I had a hysterectomy. In no time after the surgery I put on 40 lbs. I'm now serious about getting it off, but have found my knowledge about weight loss is not great. I work out three days a week (30 minutes of cardio, and 30 minutes of strength training). The auto goals on MFP have me at 1200 cal a day, I try to stay at that, though I will admit it usually ranges from 1200-1400 cal. I'm in the first week of "month #3", the first month I lost 8lbs, the second month I didn't lose anything. I'm frustrated,.....should I exercise more?, less?,.....both? Everyone I talk to about this has different advise,.....some have actually told me I need to increase my calorie count,.....though that sounds GREAT, doesn't make sense to me. Any other postmenopausal MFP members have similiar problems or advice?

    You probably get different advice because unfortunately what works for one might not work for all. As for me, at 54 and post-menopausal, I eat a high carb, low protein, low fat diet, no meat, as little animal protein as I can (concentrating on getting my protein from vegetables and legumes, etc), I am 5'7" and my weight ranges from 112 to 120, and that is thin. I walk 4-5 miles every day possible, and strength train different muscle groups at least 5 days a week. I have tons of energy, I eat 5-7 meals a day, sleep like a baby and am rarely sick. Not bragging, just telling you that it can be done. I had to work all this out about the high carbs, etc., after menopause, though I had always been on the thin side, I noticed that I was gaining around my middle, and nothing seemed to be working. I've been on a good health journey for over a decade, but menopause threw a wrench in. But I've figured it out now, been on this routine for over a year (except for the vegetarianism, I've just made that final commitment a couple of months ago but never ate red meat even before that), and I am LOVING my body again! I think you just have to try different things and see what works for you. I take several supplements also, but really I think I get most of my nutrients from the foods I eat. If you'd like to be friends add me, then you can see my diary and maybe get some ideas. :)
  • Had mine set to 2 lbs/week,.....I changed it to one,.....Thanks!
  • Thanks Laura!
  • Thanks rrrbecca11, good advice.
  • salmanajmal
    salmanajmal Posts: 93 Member
    if your calorie intake is from 1200-1400, that's pretty healthy and ideal. just stick to wot you are doing. i know its really demotivating at times when you are putting in all the efforts but not getting the desired results. at times you lose weight faster at times slower and at times you don even lose it but it doesnt mean that your body isnt getting in shape. my suggestion is you stick on to your goals and don get demotivated. ironically i gained 2kgs last month lol but you know i either had to care about my diet or not, so i thought its better if i stick to mfp. wish you all the best