Pedal Pusher vs. Pedal Spinner

I am so so sorry if this topic has already been covered! I tried to read as many past posts as I could and stopped when my eyes started crossing! I want to get something that I can use while at work and under my desk for exercise. I had originally thought of getting the stationary mini bike-type exerciser, but then I saw some suggestions for the petal pusher (where your feet go up and down, compared to in circles). Any suggestions? I don't need anything fancy and I'm not looking to spend a ton, just want to burn some extra calories while I am sitting on my rear end at work! Thanks so much in advance!


  • JenS2009
    JenS2009 Posts: 65 Member
    I am so so sorry if this topic has already been covered! I tried to read as many past posts as I could and stopped when my eyes started crossing! I want to get something that I can use while at work and under my desk for exercise. I had originally thought of getting the stationary mini bike-type exerciser, but then I saw some suggestions for the petal pusher (where your feet go up and down, compared to in circles). Any suggestions? I don't need anything fancy and I'm not looking to spend a ton, just want to burn some extra calories while I am sitting on my rear end at work! Thanks so much in advance!
  • IUChelle423
    I've been looking for something exactly like this! Hopefully someone has a good suggestion...
  • Bride092909
    Same issue here, I sit for over 70% of my work year (according to last year stats), I try to get up often to get a bit of exercise in (walking) but my phone rarely stops ringing it seems!

    Have a great week!

  • Bride092909
    Same issue here, I sit for over 70% of my work year (according to last year stats), I try to get up often to get a bit of exercise in (walking) but my phone rarely stops ringing it seems!

    Have a great week!

  • IUChelle423
    LOL! It starred out the name of the store on here (probably thinking it is dirty)! The store is D*ck's Sporting Goods.
  • JenS2009
    JenS2009 Posts: 65 Member
    Yea, that's about what I have been finding too. I have searched eBay, Amazon, Overstock, etc. and some basic spinners go for about 20 bucks. I guess if nobody has any suggestions, then a basic spinner will do the trick!? I just didn't know the difference between the types and really wanted some feedback from someone that uses one or the other! Thanks so much for looking that up! Maybe we can give it a few days and see if we get any good feedback!
  • IUChelle423
    I got inspired yesterday and went and bought one. It's the Stamina InStride Cycle XL (the first one listed under pedal spinners). It was slightly more expensive than the "basic" but it seems much sturdier and has a timer, which is handy. It's not perfectly smooth (though I'm sure a lot better than the basic), but if you get a decent pace, it works pretty well. I did it for an hour today while at work! And it's handy to have the timer because if you need to get up or go to a meeting, you can stop and then pick right back up where you left off. I burned 272 calories while working! While this doesn't replace regular workouts by any means, it is a great addition for some extra calories - YEA FOR MULTI-TASKING!
  • IUChelle423
    Forgot to add - I got it in the store for $39.99, so it wasn't too bad.
  • JenS2009
    JenS2009 Posts: 65 Member
    That's great! I finally got tired of thinking about it and purchased one as well. I got them from Amazon (I say them because I convinced a co-worker to get one as well). They are just the basic ones, but will hopefully help me out while I am at work! Good luck with yours!