Hi! Need support!

clincoln1 Posts: 3 Member
edited October 2 in Introduce Yourself
Hi I'm in need of motivation for weight loss. I have 30 lbs that I would like to lose. I have problems with portion control and sweets. So here is the beginning of my journey!


  • suz155
    suz155 Posts: 326 Member
    Hi there,

    Welcome. Ive only been here about 6 weeks myself and MVP has helped a lot. Best thing they told me is to make friends, get support and just relax.

    We're all in the same boat.
  • Nomomush
    Nomomush Posts: 582 Member
    Hello- Welcome to MFP and good luck on your journey. Just take it one day at a time.
  • Yea I have that problem too but just remember you can't always beat yourself up when you over indulge on sweets. Feel free to add me.
  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    I was where you are, and got a lot of help from others here, so feel free to befriend me so that I can do likewise.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    part of the reason you have a problem with sweets is that eating sweets creates cravings for more sweets. However, unlike other addictions, this is one you can knock without the fear of withdrawal pains. Your body will adapt pretty quickly if its not being fed sweets...and you won't have biological cravings for more sweets (of course, you might have mental cravings).

    what you eat/drink will help your effort to control your cravings. eat lean protein. eat foods with lower glycemic index values. both of these food categories digest more slowly and do not create an insulin spike (which is one of the reasons you get cravings). also drink at least 100 ounces of water per day.
  • daniellesb1
    daniellesb1 Posts: 178 Member
    Hi there !
    I joined MFP on 7/22 and obviously wasnt good at food portion control either, as the 1st day that I logged all my food, I hit 2600 cals ! And the irony is - I thought I was eating HEALTHY and watching what I was eating..... I have lost 15 Lbs since, with tracking food ONLY. I have yet to start exercising....

    It's not easy for me - I am being honest, and this is the reason I gave up on WW, all the points made me crazy - but buy yourself a little digital scale, and measuring cups. It is not that hard, just cumbersome - but all worth it ! 15 Lbs gone in 7 weeks !

    The phone app with the scanning barcode I LOVE as well, and makes my life so much easier !

    I also try to look for foods that have single portions, and already come with the cals - for example, the Hummus snacks packs, or the WW individual Cream Cheese cups.... the portion and cal count is already set up for you ! Lean Cuisine's are a great lunch option for me too, as I have a full time job.

    Welcome to your journey ! And pls feel free to add me !

    Cheers !
  • clincoln1
    clincoln1 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks everyone! It's great to know that there is support out there for you when you need it. I hope to be able to reach this goal to feel better about myself.
  • gianna42
    gianna42 Posts: 5,991 Member
    Hi - I joined yesterday and would like to lose 38 pounds, would love to support each other!
    Portion control is my biggest downfall - too much of anything isn't good, even if it's "healthy" foods.
    Feel free to add me, and good luck to you!
  • me1howard
    me1howard Posts: 45 Member
    I'm with you....am diabetic and LOVE sweets; but can not continue or I will die early. This is only my second day and I feel better already! Hand in there!
  • Good luck! I also just started today :-) I am in need of support as well! Let's start this journey together!

    Ashley :-)
  • Hi! Cutting out sugar was a really difficult thing for me to do, but now that it's been a little while I'm SO happy I did! Now when I have even a small amount I can feel the effect it's having in my body...you can cut down though, it's hard but possible, and worth it! I have always struggled with portions also...what I do it make steamed veggies with most of my meals, or at least have some sort of veg, and dish that out first so it takes up at least half the plate, then I have less space to fill it with the other stuff! Good luck, you can do it! Feel free to add me!
  • Hi! I'm new here too! I started this as a way to easily keep a food diary. ( I need that for the nutritionist I'll be meeting with in a couple of weeks!) So far, I'm liking this!
    I've been cutting back on portions, eliminating a lot of the sugar in my diet. Now I just need to get serious and lose the weight! Wish me luck!:smile:
  • alesashamel
    alesashamel Posts: 11 Member

    I've been here about seven months and I totally understand your struggle with sweets. This website has helped me tremendously and helped me stay focus. Keep up the good work and take it day by day.

    Lots of Luck
  • lidageorge
    lidageorge Posts: 16 Member
    Welcome! You sound like me! I am still learning to watch the portions...but that darn sweet tooth is a tricky one! (especially after dinner) I have found a HUGE part of losing the weight is EXERCISE EXERCISE EXERCISE!!! Even when i slip up for a few weeks my new found muscles seem to keep my metabolism going...thank you P90X! :)
  • Sounds like we're in the same boat lol. Maybe we can help each other.
  • MzGrinch9250
    MzGrinch9250 Posts: 376 Member
    Welcome. MFP is wonderful and the support is great! I learned that exercise alone (for me) doesn't work and you have to track what you eat. Good Luck to you on your journey!
  • Liss416
    Liss416 Posts: 209 Member
    Good luck! I'm fairly new to mfp too... My advice, start slowly and know that the weight will come off. I had portion control and sweet (and salty) issues too... Before I got into measuring foods, etc. I tried to break the sweet/salty habit. To break the sweet habit, I started having Fiber One with raisins cereal and a fruit every morning. Healthy, sweet and it really helped me get over my sweet tooth... The salty stuff (chips, etc) was more of a difficult habit to break... I just had to quit them cold turkey. So for a few weeks, that's all I focused on... Break the sugar/salt/snack habit... Once I felt that I had that under control, then I segued to portion control. Now, I'm not a nutritionist, but this method really worked for me. Again, good luck and feel free to contact me if you need encouragement.
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