Looking for peeps who did HCG diet...with bad results



  • TheSkinnyFitMom
    TheSkinnyFitMom Posts: 3 Member
    Yikes glad I came on here to double check before I bought that stuff. I'm going to stick with my WW & ntt Center for medical weight loss. Thanks for sharing guys
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 718 Member
  • seehawkmomma
    Me and two girls from work did it together.

    Me I felt faint and hungry all the time. When ever I went over the 500 cals i would feel AWFUL. And only lost 15lbs. For me it was horrible. I didnt like the way I felt it was like going through some horrible detox.(which I kept off)

    My other friend(still does it) has lost a total of 40lbs but she doesnt follow it to the T anymore(she logs all her food on here as well).

    The third did injections. Her results were amazing(Shes actually on this site as well) but decided not to do it anymore and maintains her weight by eatting healthy and working out. She was actually the main reason me and my other friend did it because her results were so amazing.
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 718 Member
    When people actually do keep off the weight after doing a diet as extreme as HCG, you can be sure that the HCG had absolutely nothing to do with it. Maybe they just took something out of their diet that was making them fat, and did not reintroduce it.

    Every study that's been done by people that aren't trying to push that dangerous HCG scam have concluded that HCG is no better than a placebo, and does absolutely NOTHING to spare muscle, reset your metabolism, make it safe to eat only 500 calories a day, etc. And even though HCG is a natural hormone for woman to have when they are pregnant, no one really knows what the long term results might be for injecting that hormone into your body when you are not pregnant.

    The really sad thing is, most of the people I know and have read about that decided to to the dangerous scam HCG diet are not even obese. They are basically using it to take off vanity weight that would be better controlled by eating a healthy diet and going to the gym.
  • gorgeouss9
    oh WOW! I'm so sorry that you had to go through all of that! What a scary experience! I'm so glad you posted about your experiences, so that others can benefit from them. I truly hope you get healthier.. :flowerforyou:
  • erxkeel
    erxkeel Posts: 553 Member
  • trybefan
    trybefan Posts: 488 Member
    Thanks to everyone that is sharing their horrible experiences. It takes courage to admit it! We all wish you he best success in your continuing weight loss journey.
  • aurie024
    aurie024 Posts: 63 Member
    Me my mom and my brother all did it.

    My brother lost 20 lbs but gained it all back in a month

    I gaver up after 3 weeks because it gave me migraines I couldn't handle

    My mom lost 30 lbs but ended up in the emergency room for internal bleeding.

    Yeah, you get instant results but it is not healthy for someone to live off of 500 calories a day. It's dangerous
  • SixCatFaerie
    SixCatFaerie Posts: 690 Member
    I knew this diet was bad but I didn't know it was THIS bad. Good to know. Thank you.
    Just so you all know I am against this diet as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Same here! Thank you all & I hope that you all heal both mentally & physically. Get the word out people!
  • a1cbrandy
    500 calories a day? How do you NOT starve to death. I am doing WW 27 bonus pts and I am always starving I feel like. I couldnt imagine 500 calories a day. I knew HCG diet was a scam from the beginning.
  • sexycheesemonkey
    sexycheesemonkey Posts: 196 Member
    I started the HCG diet last Tuesday, I know 4 people who have done it and havent had any bad experiences. But I assume just like any other diet results will vary. Im sure I could have done this on my own...but waking up every morning with the get up and go attitude only to end in failure had me sinking deeper and deeper into depression. I havent had any depression, or hunger and hell I've actually been sleeping better. I've lost 8lbs (was 250 after the binge days) and 3 inches in one week. The diet is not just 500 calories, no it's a majority of proteins and vitamins. I take supplements that my dr recommended daily, along with a Strovite supplement a night before bed. I'm not saying that people who have had bad experiences are wrong, but like I said earlier, the results vary per person like anything else. I was stuck in a plateau for 2 years and the only way I had managed to lose weight was by starving myself for a week, where I lost 10lbs; so I went fro 274, to 264 then to 254, then to 243. I was stuck at 243 for a long time and kept failing daily with my diet because the weight was just not coming off. I am hoping beyond anything that this diet works for me, because I also have Type II Diabetes and PCOS. After the diet is over and I am through the maintenance period I will be back to share my results, whether they are good or bad.
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 718 Member
    I sincerely hope that some of you MyFitnessPal members that had bad results from doing the HCG diet will write or email the FDA and encourage them to go after the so called doctors and weight loss clinics that encourage their patients to attempt that dangerous starvation diet.

    Hearing from people that developed serious health issues on account of that scam starvation diet will encourage the FDA to make going after the HCG snake oil salesmen a priority.

    Here is the FDA contact info page:

  • missy_1975
    missy_1975 Posts: 244 Member
    Those websites are government owned and operated websites and I don't trust what it has to say.

    I will continue to trust my Naturopathic M.D. who also does not trust these government sites.

    And if you go through your regular or a naturopathic dr who will just write the script - it is not expensive at all.

    It's a conspiracy!!!!!!

    To think, all this time I figured that the advancements in athletics, dietary nutrition, sports medicine and injury rehabilitation were real and tested but little did I know it was a cover from some secret government organization to trick me into not knowing the TRUE secret to good health...............

    ..............hormone injections and 500 calories a day.

    Now, armed with this knowledge, I can venture forth to glory and good health!!!

    WHO IS WITH ME!!!!!!!

    I'll do it!!! But only if I can wear my tin foil hat
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    I posted this thread back in early September and I thought I'd give it an update on how I'm doing. I've been on MFP for six months now and once I realized I didn't need to starve myself at the 1200 calorie level I was originally set up on (because I wanted fast results and set my goal to lose 2 lbs a week), I began to consistently (yet slowly) lose pounds. I didn't start some "diet", I didn't deprive myself of anything, and I didn't have to spend extra money on any sort of "supplement" or special magic pill.

    I think I've got my metabolism on the right road now and I eat 1500-2200 calories a day (depending on what day it is as I tend to stagger my cals and eat more on cardio workout days and less on lazy bum-around days). Since making this post I've started and completed 30 Day Shred and ChaLEAN Extreme. I've lost over 30 inches (!!!) and 26 pounds. I wear a misses size 10 comfortably and sz medium top. I've increased my lean body weight considerably as I've lost lots of fat and built muscle. My BMR is nearing the healthy weight (although I don't put much stock in BMI per say since I have a large bone structure according to the charts that measure your height versus wrist measurement). This week...I never thought I'd say this (I used to be 220 lbs two years ago), I started P90X with a TurboFire hybrid. (gulp...hope I can hang!). I look and feel SO MUCH better. And I managed to keep an average of 1 lb a week loss through three holidays, a week-long vacation to Disney World on the dining plan, four immediate family birthdays (our birthday span a week of celebration for each one), and my hub's and my anniversary. My body reacted to the fun food with grace...it didn't revolt on me and add three pounds if I went over by a couple hundred (or thousand, hah) calories. That's what happens when you eat a reasonable regimen rather than restricting so tightly - your body adapts and doesn't hate you for starving it.

    To add to this....I'm not cranky. I don't binge-eat. I still eat chocolate everyday and Red Robin cheeseburgers on occasion. I don't have a gym membership, I don't pay a trainer, and I'm not spending obscene amounts of money to buy overpriced shakes, magic pills, pregnant ladies' pee, or whatever the fad-fat-cure-of-the-month is.

    It truly is VERY simple when it comes down to it. When I did HCG in 2010 I was desperate. I was tired of being fat and unmotivated, my joints were hurting whenever I'd walk up my stairs, and I'm sure it didn't help that all the ladies around me were doing it too. I was jealous they were getting results so I jumped on their bandwagon. I wish I had known about MFP at that point in my life. I'd probably already be at my goal right now.

    There is ONE thing that I did spend a nice amount of money on...I got it on sale...but it would still be worth it at full price. This one thing has really opened my eyes to what is going on with my body and I'd suggest ANYONE struggling with finding their "sweet point" invest in one. It's a BodyMedia Fit. You wear this armband (day and night, it's VERY comfortable and you don't even realize you are wearing it after the first couple of days) and it measures (fairly accurately) how many calories your body is burning by looking at several body responses (does NOT measure heart rate, however). Once you know what your body is burning, it's easy to get yourself into a proper deficit for healthy weight loss. I mean, seriously EASY. I think Costco is selling them now bulked with subscription packages for a portion of the price too. Otherwise maybe google online to find the best price as I purchased mine during some marketing promo on a blog for $125.

    I'm not dogging on you folks who are desperate and think HCG is the last straw to pull because you've tried everything else. It's very tempting, sure it is, anything that promises fast weight loss is and I was "victim" to abusing my body this way. But you've read all the downfalls, experiences, and health risks involved...so make the decision to just do it the right way. Healthy diet and exercise. There are SO many people on MFP who are willing to help you through this process if you commit to doing it the natural, healthy way. Heck, if you need me to, I'll help you (but I'm not a fan of the 1200 calorie or under eating plans). And I really don't want to sound mean here, but I've seen pics of the people who have done HCG and are so happy with their results. Their bodies are "skinny-fat". They might have thin waists but their arms and lower body are obviously lacking definition and look not so appealing. And that's because they kissed their muscles goodbye with 500 cals a day. :frown: To each his own, but that's certainly not the look I'm going for. Cheers to good health! :drinker:
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 718 Member
    I just came across the contact info the FDA wants people to use to report bad results with the HCG diet:

    Consumers who have purchased homeopathic HCG for weight loss should stop using it and report any harmful effects at www.fda.gov/Safety/MedWatch/default.htm or 800-332-1088.
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    Thanks Rachel. I just submitted my form. I wish I had held onto a bottle so I'd have more identifying information of the product but I threw all that ish away. Oh well...
  • jana59
    jana59 Posts: 1
    I have done the hcg diets 3 times over the year and have had great results!! I will be forever grateful for the diet!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I have done the hcg diets 3 times over the year and have had great results!! I will be forever grateful for the diet!

    3 times in one year?? Just so you know, my FiL has been on and off the shots for the past year and his doctor cut him off. Fair warning.
  • Jenner22
    Jenner22 Posts: 94 Member
    Wow.. wow... I think I'm speechless. I've done the stillman's diet. Lost around 15 lbs.. could barely walk.. once I ate regular food.. boom.. weight back on. Fast paced things like that usually never work. Sorry you had to go through that and STILL have to deal with the consequences of it.
  • chefcoral
    thank you , i've read some of the comments and its good to hear from people that have tried it. i was reading about it and its REALLY tempting to try something that helps you lose weight fast because you just want it off, but over the last few weeks of working my butt off and eating right i feel more accomplished doing it by myself then depending on a supplement. I do understand some people just plain need it because their stuck in a rut or whatnot. But i think just eating less and eating better for you paired with daily exercise puts you in a good routine for life.
    i read that on the HCG diet you can only eat 500 calories and everything has to be organic and super lean and there's limited fruits and vegetable, no one has time or money for that , including paying for the drops.
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