How do I STOP eating!!

Hey guys, I am rather new to this site. My beautiful mother and I are trying to to this together but I am really struggling :cry: How do I stop myself from eating so much?? I find that when i have dinner especially, I overindulge, i think just because its there and it tastes so good I have a hard time stopping myself. I also eat really fast (runs in the family) and Im having a hard time slowing down. I just really really want to lose weight and feel pretty again but it seems like when food gets in the picture, I just want to EAT!!! Any help, tips, tricks or new friends are much appreciated :flowerforyou:


  • nikkizmom1962
    nikkizmom1962 Posts: 93 Member
    Eat some fiber foods they help keep you feeling full longer. drink lots of water, chew some gum these things have helped me during the days that i just wanted to eat. hope this helps.
  • gianna42
    gianna42 Posts: 5,991 Member
    Welcome! It's great that you and your mother are doing this together and and able to help each other!

    I've read that starting dinner with a salad or broth-type soup will help to satisfy (as well as add nutrients) so that it's easier to watch your portion on the main course. I don't do the soup thing so much before a meal, but the salad does work.
    Also - put your fork down between bites and really enjoy what you are eating. Drink water with your meal.

    Feel free to add me, and good luck!
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    YES-- chewing gum really helps. Also, try eating a handful of peanuts or almonds about 30 minutes before your meal.
  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    Put your knife and fork down and have a mouthful of water between each mouthful. Will slow you right down.

    Don't eat in front of the TV.
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    I am queen of 2nd and 3rd helpings because I know I'm a good cook (at least that's what my husband and my taste buds tell me!!!).

    The way that I have solved this problem is that first I meal plan. I decide what I'm going to eat and how many calories and I figure out the measurements beforehand.

    Secondly, I measure up my food and dish it up in the kitchen. I actually do this with my husband's and kids' foods too. If he or they want extra we go back into the kitchen and add it to their plates.

    Third, I DO NOT put food on the table to dish it up even for everyone else!!! I'm too tempted.

    Fourth, I either before dinner or immediately after enter in my food into MFP so that I'm less likely to cheat.

    Fifth, drink lots of liquids. I'm not a huge water drinker but sometimes just at dinner I can go through 2--16 oz glasses of Crystal light.

    I sympathize. I'm a fast eater and my husband's even faster but I also am learning to only eat what's on my plate and not to add extra to it. It's not easy but I'm learning to make foods that are lower in calories but give a good volume and are healthy/filling. YOU CAN DO IT!!! You just have to take control and don't put yourself in a position to eat more.
  • Take your plate of food, especially when you eat out, divide it in half, put half in a container and put the container away before you start eating. The food in the container is tomorrows meal!
  • You could maybe try bulking out your dinners with half veg or salad, still gives you a nice full plate but is really good for you :)
  • kimberly702
    kimberly702 Posts: 369 Member
    Chewing sugar free gum and drinking LOTS and LOTS of water!! And when your eating... eat all the veggies/salad first. Thats what I do at least.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    You definitely should try to eat more slowly. Lots of tricks for that:

    - Take a sip of water between each bite.
    - Put your fork down after each bite, and don't pick it back up again until you've swallowed.
    - Chew each bite 20 times. Those bites should also be smaller than your usual bite size.
    - Talk during your meal! And no talking with your mouth full. If you're having a conversation, you're less likely to take bites one right after the other, because you'll be pausing to talk.

    Also, instead of bringing all the food to the table, serve up a plate at the counter, buffet-style, with small servings of everything. If you have to get up to get seconds, you're less likely to go for them.

    Hope that helps!
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    IF you eat fast, your body's not going to recognize you're full until you're TOO full. Try starting to put the fork down between bites, until after you swallow. It'll slow you down a bit and get you into realizing how much you're eating and not over indulging simply because it's there. Don't fill your plate with food, every meal is not Thanksgiving. Also, before going for seconds, wait a few minutes to pass and see how you feel before you go ahead.
  • Drink lots of water, and always put your plate in the sink and leave the table after you first serving, helps so you dont take seconds. :smile:
  • 03258
    03258 Posts: 60
    I am sooo with you there. Maybe we can help each other!! Everything I like to do is associated with food. I always feel so deprived when I am not eating. LOL So...water and gum and putting down our forks I guess!!! :-)
  • witheredorchid
    witheredorchid Posts: 164 Member
    When making dinner don't make so much. If there isn't any left for seconds you won't over induldge. If your feeding 4 people make 4 portions. Make sure your meals are 1/4 healthy options. You can over indudgle in vegetables or fruit all you want. Make sure you carbs are high in fiber so they help fill you up faster. And a big one is water. Drink a glass before you eat and than set down your fork and take a sip after each bite. This will help to fill you up faster and will ensure you get your 8 glasses a day. Make sure you don't keep your food at the table too. If you have to get up to go get seconds you'll be less likely to do it.
  • I have the same problem, my discipline is lacking in this area to say the least. I think my next step is not to have the food on the table. Our family meals are served from the table so it is easier, I find that after serving myself a "human size serving", (a term we use around here meaning a serving that would feed one person, not three like I sometimes do), I like to have just a little more etc. So removing the temptation, making you get up and go to the stove or counter to get more might help me, so I thought I would share that.
  • Quiing
    Quiing Posts: 261 Member
    I used to have the same problem :(

    Using smaller plates has helped me to eat less because there is less space! I take my lunch to work in small plastic containers, enough to hold 5oz of tuna and 2 hardboiled eggs.

    Also, like nikkizmom1962 said, eat foods that make you stay full longer and only eat when your stomach says you are hungry (we oft times eat when our mind tells us "hmm, I should eat" just because its around a certain time or just because we're bored)

    I've found that eating less carbs and more healthy fats has curbed my appetite a lot! Salmon, eggs cooked in coconut oil, vegetables with olive oil, avocados, they all have helped me with the issue that you are facing.

    Most importantly, keep the faith! If you stay positive, no matter the roadblocks, you will achieve your goals.

    Good Luck! :)
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    You don't have to stop eating. Just watch portion size and eat the right foods and you will never be hungry. Look for healthy recipe sites that will give you ideas. Log food before you eat it and if its too high for your goals switch it to something that will fit better into your day. I bought a food scale and educated myself on portion size. I learned how to substitue in recipes. Educate yourself and you will never be hungry. I have made my health and healthy eating my hobby. I have lost all the weight I wanted without exercise and never go hungry. :flowerforyou:
  • Quiing
    Quiing Posts: 261 Member
    YES-- chewing gum really helps. Also, try eating a handful of peanuts or almonds about 30 minutes before your meal.

    Almonds absolutely!
  • Frannswaz
    Frannswaz Posts: 172 Member
    Chewing sugar free gum and drinking LOTS and LOTS of water!! And when your eating... eat all the veggies/salad first. Thats what I do at least.

    I agree I do that too....all that chewing makes you feel like you've been eating for ages...Lol :smile:
  • Frannswaz
    Frannswaz Posts: 172 Member
    Chewing sugar free gum and drinking LOTS and LOTS of water!! And when your eating... eat all the veggies/salad first. Thats what I do at least.

    I agree I do that too....all that chewing makes you feel like you've been eating for ages...Lol :smile:

    The bit about the veggie and salads and lots of water. Chewing gum makes me hungry...guess I'm odd like that
  • Welcome! I also have a problem with not eating too much...What I do now is fill my plate with veggies first and try to fill it at least half way. Then I help myself to a bit of whatever else I've cooked for dinner. I also try to drink lots of water during the meal to make me feel fuller faster. Also, I plan my dinners a week in advance, and then I know that dinner (my biggest meal) will be each day. In the mornings I'll calculate that night's dinner, and then go from there! Good luck, you'll do great!