Is anyone eating Primal?

I have been reading a lot and am considering switching to a primal diet. I have read a lot on the Primal Blueprint site and am interested in how it's working for others? I really have always had trouble cutting carbs. I'm doing a fairly good job switching to "healthy" carbs, but wonder how difficult it is to really cut carbs. How do you get to a point where you can get down around 100g of carbs? Would it include cutting quinoa? Any info would be appreciated.



  • Frannswaz
    Frannswaz Posts: 172 Member
    I think I eat lots of carbs incluidng quinoa and bulgar wheat. Not processed carbs but fruit veg and the like. I'm not sure I could do any better because too much protein doesn't seem to sit very well with me. I don't eat animal protein but too much vegetable protein isnt so good either Idon't think. Besides unless you aren't exercising much dont see how 100g of carbs will be sufficeint. I know when I haven't had enough carbs
    i get a headache.
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    I say healthy carbs are good especially if your eat primal.. I am considering a primal diet...
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    been doing it about a month, its not as hard as it seems, biggest change i've noticed is i'm not as hungry as i use to bei'm starting to break through a 4 month long plateua as well
  • chrissym78
    chrissym78 Posts: 628 Member
    I attempt primal, LOL I have for over a year and I love it, but I am not perfect :) I still eat some dairy adn occasionally grain. When I do have grain its usually stuff like oats or whole wheat. I do fine with no white flour or pasta,don't even miss it really. My carbs are usually 60ish, friend me if you like, my diary is open.
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    I've been eating paleo for 6 months and it's not difficult to give up carbs once you give up processed food. My diary is open if you want to see what eating paleo is like for one person ... note that everyone is different.
  • I attempt primal, LOL I have for over a year and I love it, but I am not perfect :) I still eat some dairy adn occasionally grain. When I do have grain its usually stuff like oats or whole wheat. I do fine with no white flour or pasta,don't even miss it really. My carbs are usually 60ish, friend me if you like, my diary is open.

    That's good to know. Yes, I don't think I'd cut dairy entirely, I love cheese. ha ha. But I read that aged cheeses are better than other types, so I figured I could switch over to those.
  • I've been eating paleo for 6 months and it's not difficult to give up carbs once you give up processed food. My diary is open if you want to see what eating paleo is like for one person ... note that everyone is different.

    I have gradually reduced processed foods anyway in the last couple of years with a few exceptions. I will look at your diary. Thanks!
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    I've been researching it. Considering tryin it. Don't sound hard.
  • I've been doing it for 12 days now, and am having great success with it. The first 9 days I did have carb withdrawal headaches, but I've managed not to cheat. I've been FULLER, longer. I've been naturally eating less calories because I'm just full. The past couple of nights that I've had dinner, I wasn't hungry when I started eating so I didn't eat very much. From now on, if I'm not hungry at dinner, I'm just not going to eat it. I've been eating about 50-75g of carbs per day on average.

    After the first few days, the carb cravings went away. I lost 4.6 lbs the first week after steadily losing half a lb to a lb a week (for three months) on a traditional calorie-cutting diet. I know that 4.6 lbs was just shocking my body.. but hey, after that first week, I could wear a dress that I hadn't been able to wear in four years, so it was an actual loss.

    I won't lie and say I'll never eat a cookie again. I'm a baker. I eat cookies. And pie. And cheesecake. And brownies. But one treat every week or so isn't going to blow it.

    Plus, it makes my grocery shopping much simpler. I just buy a bunch of meat and a boatload of vegetables, and some fruit.

    ALSO, and this is so much more important than everything else I just said, I'm hypoglycemic. I was constantly refueling with whole grains to keep my blood sugar up before this. My blood sugar hasn't dropped A SINGLE TIME since I switched to primal. Even if I'm late on meals.

    If you want, check out my diary to get a feel for how I've been eating. Tues/Thurs are more challenging because I'm commuting/at school for 12 hours, so my lunches are strange.
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    I am and I am in love!!
  • I don't do a primal diet but I'm pretty low carb and all I know is I feel SO much better! My body knows when I've had too many because I'm sluggish and get an over-all "crappy" feeling. I eat dairy & fruit & veggies and have learned if I want something higher in carbs then I swap it out for something else - like for dinner I'd make myself a cheeseburger with no roll or grill some chicken because I knew I ate something higher in carbs for lunch. It works for me. Trust me there are days when I want a giant bagel or a plate of pasta but I opt out and am glad when I do. Keep us posted on your porgress & GOOD LUCK!!!!
  • kerriknox
    kerriknox Posts: 276 Member
    I have been reading a lot and am considering switching to a primal diet. I have read a lot on the Primal Blueprint site and am interested in how it's working for others? I really have always had trouble cutting carbs. I'm doing a fairly good job switching to "healthy" carbs, but wonder how difficult it is to really cut carbs. How do you get to a point where you can get down around 100g of carbs? Would it include cutting quinoa? Any info would be appreciated.


    no body eats primal, the whole program is a myth, and illusion brought on by drug riddled minds

    What do drug riddled minds have to do with it??
  • ResilientWoman
    ResilientWoman Posts: 440 Member
    Went Primal about 6 months ago, right after joining MFP. Broke a 5 month plateau. Made my huge goal of shedding over 100 lbs. Current avatar is from before. My profile has during photos from the week I hit goal. New avatar minus extra chins coming this weekend. It's the first pic where I looked at the person in the photo and couldn't believe how attractive, muscular and toned my face was.

    I have no trouble having 0-65 carb days. Above 65 without vigilant tracking and if I add back in grain on accident/on purpose and the cravings, headaches, poor health wink back in for a few days. My journey is not perfect but has been very successful. Feel free to friend me.
  • SOOZIE429
    SOOZIE429 Posts: 638 Member
    It's a great way to live. Best of luck with it. You won't regret it.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    okay seriously the removed my replies??? they were in no way derogatory to anyone. this is f'n rediuclous
  • okay seriously the removed my replies??? they were in no way derogatory to anyone. this is f'n rediuclous

    I didn't... how would they get removed? Did some one "report post"? I have no problem with anything you might want to say...
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    okay seriously the removed my replies??? they were in no way derogatory to anyone. this is f'n rediuclous

    I didn't... how would they get removed? Did some one "report post"? I have no problem with anything you might want to say...

    the moderator would have removed it, well moderator ,,, nazi its a blurred line apparently
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    okay seriously the removed my replies??? they were in no way derogatory to anyone. this is f'n rediuclous

    I didn't... how would they get removed? Did some one "report post"? I have no problem with anything you might want to say...

    the moderator would have removed it, well moderator ,,, nazi its a blurred line apparently

    shall we time how long it takes that to be deleted
  • Living primal is awesome! I'm living about 95% paleo (primal minus the dairy), and I've had some really good success. I find it hard if I am eating mostly vegetables with a little fruit to go over 75g carbs/day. If you need/want to reduce your carb load, I would definitely kick the quinoa out completely. It is a grain and it has saponins, which damage the gut lining, much like gluten. If you soak it before, it gets rid of some of the saponins. I think there are other way more delicious sources of protein out there. If you need the "grain" feel that rice/quinoa give you, just blast some cauliflower in a food processor until it is the size of rice grains.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    I have been trying to do the primal thing for the past week to break a 6 month plateau and I cant imagine how people can eat under 80g of carbs!!! I dont eat any grains/cereal/bread/pasta etc but still with fruits and veggies etc I still struggle to keep the carbs under 100. I do eat cheese and that adds a small amt but what are you guys eating??? I am getting real tired of eggs LOL. I only eat one serving s of fruit per day and then veggies which is where the carbs are coming from I guess. I am certainly not an expert on the diet, but why no peanuts?? or peanut butter?? they have same amt of carbs as almonds (at least the ones I have do).
    What do you guys snack on??
    Also if you do have grains like cereal or oatmeal or pie etc will you end up gaining that week? (In other words can I have a cheat meal once a week of so???)
    Also how do you get fiber??? I need at least 30 g per day!
    Thanks! I am going to check out a few diarys here for some thoughts as well!!