To all the party animals out there...



  • kevinlynch3
    kevinlynch3 Posts: 287 Member
    10 vodkas...go girl. I had to go check your profile to see where you were from after reading that. I understand, I'm Irish.

    Vodka and diet coke is my drink too when I'm out. I log it and I plan for it before hand..I never say f**k it because doing it once will probably result in me doing it again for other reasons.

    I have found that because I log it, I am less prone to drinking like I used to which is a good thing because I have a very high tolerance for alcohol. So now, I have maybe 4 or 5 versus what I used to.

    Being in the position of being able to work out the next day is another positive side effect.

    Yeah, log it.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I log the 3-4 beers I may drink during league bowling nights but when I go out on the weekend, I do not. It's usually 1-2 nights a month and I drink at least 10 vodkas and numerous shots. I don't sweat it because a- I'm burning a ton of calories, dancing, running around and other ahem* activities. And b- I usually eat less that day or the next..
  • Hellokittyxoxo
    anyone know how many calories there is in 200ml of vodka?
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    This is sort of off topic but I think this is the right thread to share this info. I was watching The Dr's a few weeks ago (I do not love this show - too awwww, everything about daily life will kill you!) and they were talking about the health dangers associated with Girls Night Out. Besides the obvious junk that we are more likely to eat drunk, calories from the alcohol, and the possible STD from a drunk booty call (ya, they covered that one and warned that sexting can lead to relationship problems) - the part that really suprised me was what is considered binge drinking. That lady Dr said anything over 5 drinks for men and 4 drinks for women at any given time is binge drinking.

    4 drinks? seriously? Apparently I have a "for real" alcohol problem. Hubby and I have really cut back on the amts and number of drinking days per week for all the obvious reasons but I can still have 6-8 drinks in a night, easy and just have a good buzz all night. More if we stay up really late.

    It's the "any given time" that gets me. Ya, 4 beer towers in an hour, I would consider binging. But say 5-6 beers during a football game or mixed drinks at the bar over a several hour period does not seem particularly dangerous to me.


    I am probably an alcoholic for saying this, but I don't listen to anything TV doctors say. Even if I've read it elsewhere. LOL. I agree with you, 100%.
  • kevinlynch3
    kevinlynch3 Posts: 287 Member
    That lady Dr said anything over 5 drinks for men and 4 drinks for women at any given time is binge drinking.

    4 drinks? seriously? Apparently I have a "for real" alcohol problem. Hubby and I have really cut back on the amts and number of drinking days per week for all the obvious reasons but I can still have 6-8 drinks in a night, easy and just have a good buzz all night. More if we stay up really late.

    It's the "any given time" that gets me. Ya, 4 beer towers in an hour, I would consider binging. But say 5-6 beers during a football game or mixed drinks at the bar over a several hour period does not seem particularly dangerous to me.


    Yeah, I call BS on this too..There's a huge difference volume wise between a pint of beer and a shot of spirits with a mixer. It seems that this would not be taken into account at all in the assessment of 4 drinks being equivalent to "bing drinking". This difference is one of the reasons that if I do drink beer, its going to be something with high alcohol content so I drink less of it. Chimay or other belgians like triples.
  • Shanz78
    Shanz78 Posts: 143 Member
    I found Barefoot wine-sauvignon blanc is only 400 cals for the entire bottle and its 13.5% alcohal. This works for me hope it helps.
  • afigueroa_pr
    I do log in my drinks when I go out. It is such a rare occasion though when we go out. I only drink light beer and I just look at the labels in the back to know exactly how many calories are there in a bottle.
  • msaap
    msaap Posts: 89 Member
    Loving this thread!! :drinker:
    When I started, I did not log my drinks. But now I do. I don't drink beer, I just don't like the taste of it. Vodka and Tequila are usually my thing. I rotate my daily caloric intake, and I focus on how many calories I eat in a week. So when Friday comes I usually have some wiggle room with my calorie count. This works for me, but will not work for everyone. And now that it's football season, the drinks will be flowing again. GO DAWGS, GO COLTS!!!
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    This is sort of off topic but I think this is the right thread to share this info. I was watching The Dr's a few weeks ago (I do not love this show - too awwww, everything about daily life will kill you!) and they were talking about the health dangers associated with Girls Night Out. Besides the obvious junk that we are more likely to eat drunk, calories from the alcohol, and the possible STD from a drunk booty call (ya, they covered that one and warned that sexting can lead to relationship problems) - the part that really suprised me was what is considered binge drinking. That lady Dr said anything over 5 drinks for men and 4 drinks for women at any given time is binge drinking.

    4 drinks? seriously? Apparently I have a "for real" alcohol problem. Hubby and I have really cut back on the amts and number of drinking days per week for all the obvious reasons but I can still have 6-8 drinks in a night, easy and just have a good buzz all night. More if we stay up really late.

    It's the "any given time" that gets me. Ya, 4 beer towers in an hour, I would consider binging. But say 5-6 beers during a football game or mixed drinks at the bar over a several hour period does not seem particularly dangerous to me.


    Just to point this out, but yes that guy is technically right, based on studies. However, doctors have a weird definition of what binge drinking is, so for us normals, it sounds weird. But he is correct, technically that would be binge drinking. It can also be called alcohol abuse by people too. I wouldn't go that far. To me it's not abuse until it interferes with life.

    "Those who choose to drink alcoholic beverages should do so sensibly and in moderation—defined as the consumption of up to one drink per day for women and up to two drinks per day for men." I know, this is laughable.

    However, there are some things to think about. "Alcohol may have beneficial effects when consumed in moderation. The lowest all-cause mortality occurs at an intake of one to two drinks per day. The lowest coronary heart disease mortality also occurs at an intake of one to two drinks per day. Morbidity and mortality are highest among those drinking large amounts of alcohol."
  • Twasney
    Twasney Posts: 186 Member
    anyone know how many calories there is in 200ml of vodka?

    Assuming your vodka is 80 proof there is 56 calories in 25 ml - so 448 calories
  • Twasney
    Twasney Posts: 186 Member
    This is sort of off topic but I think this is the right thread to share this info. I was watching The Dr's a few weeks ago (I do not love this show - too awwww, everything about daily life will kill you!) and they were talking about the health dangers associated with Girls Night Out. Besides the obvious junk that we are more likely to eat drunk, calories from the alcohol, and the possible STD from a drunk booty call (ya, they covered that one and warned that sexting can lead to relationship problems) - the part that really suprised me was what is considered binge drinking. That lady Dr said anything over 5 drinks for men and 4 drinks for women at any given time is binge drinking.

    4 drinks? seriously? Apparently I have a "for real" alcohol problem. Hubby and I have really cut back on the amts and number of drinking days per week for all the obvious reasons but I can still have 6-8 drinks in a night, easy and just have a good buzz all night. More if we stay up really late.

    It's the "any given time" that gets me. Ya, 4 beer towers in an hour, I would consider binging. But say 5-6 beers during a football game or mixed drinks at the bar over a several hour period does not seem particularly dangerous to me.


    Maybe if it was 4 or 5 fat tuesdays.....or 4 or 5 pitchers. Like you said if it was 4 or 5 drinks in a short time span then yes thats an issue....but over a whole evening? sounds just about perfect too me.

    Did they mean 4 or 5 drinks every day????
  • cdstadt
    cdstadt Posts: 311 Member
    I don't drink but my best friend does. I don't understand why you WOULDN'T log it.

    I mean. What's the harm in visualizing what you put into your body?

    Anyway I make her log her drinks. You should have seen her face when she saw how many calories are in a 4loko!
  • t_rog
    t_rog Posts: 363 Member
    To be completely honest, I just say *kitten* it on those nights haha. One here or there won't kill you
  • 1FineFaye84
    1FineFaye84 Posts: 46 Member
    I would say I log just about every drink I have... And I love my whiskey... and sometimes I hate myself for it the next day when I finish logging it.. None then less, I like to drink, and as long as I work out and try to eat well, hey, I can have a freakin drink! lol :drinker:
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    To be completely honest, I just say *kitten* it on those nights haha. One here or there won't kill you

    BINGO! We have a winner!
  • Twasney
    Twasney Posts: 186 Member
    I log....thats how I learned those nasty little bellini's are 500 CALORIES!!!!

    I can't drink anything sadly no beers for me till I am off these meds. But even still I like beer too much to drink little lite versions. I would rather have 1 great beer thank 3 crappy ones LOL.

    If I am out and can't control how the drink is made...I drink white wine. If I am at home my new drink of choice is shaved ice, half a bottle of aquafina plus 10 calorie strawberry lemonade and rasperberry vodka. with 1 shot its 74 calories.
  • mamaw53
    If you want a "beer belly" just keep it up!
  • carriann2012
    carriann2012 Posts: 180 Member
    If I know I am going to have some Wine I plan for it and log it in ahead of time to see where I am at. Since I belong to several wineries and love my wine it is something I will not give up but I do plan around it and ahead of time to see if I can squeeze in extra excercise or just eat low calorie food that is healthy. Hope this helps :smile: Though since I have been on MF I have cut back on the alcohol since it adds to the waist line.
  • t_rog
    t_rog Posts: 363 Member
    I found Barefoot wine-sauvignon blanc is only 400 cals for the entire bottle and its 13.5% alcohal. This works for me hope it helps.

    Where did you get that info? I can't seem to find that..
  • Twasney
    Twasney Posts: 186 Member
    I found Barefoot wine-sauvignon blanc is only 400 cals for the entire bottle and its 13.5% alcohal. This works for me hope it helps.

    Where did you get that info? I can't seem to find that..

    unless you are finding a smaller bottle I think its actually 508....which is common for many of the lighter white wines. as they average 80 calories for 4 oz....and most bottles are 25.4 oz