Water advice!

I'm a waterholic. It's my drink of choice 99% of the time. I was just wondering if there's such a thing as drinking too much water? Not only for daily amounts but if choosing to consistently drink pretty much only water has any bad effects? My mother has brought up the issue of drinking too much can lead to higher chances or indicate signs of health issues (which I won't mention and see if anyone brings them up).

Also, it's been a long time quest to find the answer but what temp is best for water consumption? I've heard people say that warm/hot water (typically having herbal tea) is the best way to take your water. Other suggest that ice cold water is best to help burn more calories and I've heard from others that room temperature is what the body prefers. Any insights?


  • cm2two
    cm2two Posts: 194
    no. if you are in a water chugging competition, yes, but if youre drinking it all day, spread out over the day, youre golden!
  • Homer3D
    Homer3D Posts: 318
    I think what you want to look into is what is called "water intoxication". It is a real thing.
  • lunaephiliac
    Seriously excessive amounts of water consumption, coupled with excessive water and electrolyte loss through sweat or diarrhea or vomiting, can in some cases lead to a condition called hyponatremia. This literally means that you have diluted your body's fluids with water to the point that your sodium levels are excessively low. Symptoms of hyponatremia are similar to alcohol intoxication- dizziness, disorientation, and nausea. It is a very serious condition and if suspected the person should visit a medical professional immediately.
    that said, this condition is unlikely. as long as you continue to pee and it's clear, you're good.
    disclaimer: I am a nursing student. I have no degree and this information is paraphrased from my textbook.
  • LillysGranny
    I don't know how much you're drinking, but if you are eating a healthy diet, working out (and therefore sweating) and your water consumption is spread out through the day, then you should be fine. If you are excessively thirsty, you might want to talk to your doc--that's a sign of diabetes. You don't actually NEED to drink anything besides water--everything else is just for taste and fun. You didn't say how much you're drinking every day, but if you'd like to compare, I usually down a gallon by the time I go to bed at night.

    I prefer my water at room temperature, but I've always read that ice cold will burn a few calories. I don't think it's enough to drink your water ice cold if you'd rather not.
  • micahnelson
    micahnelson Posts: 92 Member
    The only way it can be a problem is if you deplete your electrolytes too rapidly. That can actually cause a stroke or seizure, but you need to drink an intense amount of water to even consider that- usually while performing heavy activities. One energy drink or "smart" water in there every once and a while will eliminate the fear- but its a remote one at best.
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    Hello fellow waterholic. I too have wondered what temp to drink my water. I have found some answers, but I don't know if I agree with them.

    first, yes it is possible to drink to much water. However it is unlikely. My doctor told me I don't need to drink as much water as I think I do. I feel like that all depends. I sweat more, so i drink more. I got use to drinking more water when I use to live 7000 feet up in the high desert. I don't live there anymore but I still drink my water. I do not think drinking to much water will hurt you. It is possible to die from drinking to much water, but it's something absurd like 2 gallons in half an hour (just a guess). Something almost no human will ever have to worry about. Water will NOT lead to a higher chance of health issues. Unless there are years of studies that are hidden from me, i've never heard these to be true. So unless your drinking contaminated water, don't worry about drinking water, it's the safest and healthiest drink out there. It's what your body wants. That's my view.

    As for what temp to drink it at. Well, I know of a guy who would heat his water up to 98.6 degrees and would only drink it at that temp. I don't have time for that. I drink mine a room temp. I have heard that drinking colder water can help you burn alittle more cals. however, what most people don't talk about, (also what I heard, no science to back this up) is that cold water will shock the body. I don't like shocking my body, so I don't drink cold water. Also cold water warms the body up more, because the body has to warm up the core so it can stay at it's normal temp. So to avoid all that hassle I just drink room temp water, because that's what I have time for, and it has treated me well so far.

    I doubt, very much, that water will cause any health problems no matter what temp and how much you drink, so drink on and enjoy. The only thing to make sure of is the cleanliness of the water, I use a water filter with tap water, it's the cheapest way for me, I don't know how much lead is really in tap water, but I don't want to find out either, I have drank tap water my whole life and am in fine health, aside from being overweight, which water had nothing to do with.
  • nicksaysnever
    I've been drinking only water (with one cup of coffee in the morning) for six years, and it's brought only good. If you just sip it throughout the day you should be fine. Don't chug a lot all at once, since that's almost guaranteed to make you feel sick, and can lead to greater complications if you keep doing it without eating anything in between.

    I prefer my water between room temp and cool, but that's because my teeth are sensitive. It's really a personal choice.
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    The only way it can be a problem is if you deplete your electrolytes too rapidly. That can actually cause a stroke or seizure, but you need to drink an intense amount of water to even consider that- usually while performing heavy activities. One energy drink or "smart" water in there every once and a while will eliminate the fear- but its a remote one at best.

    I have heard about this, that's why coaches give there athletes salt tablets, and so on. I have heard it is possible to drink so much water that you wash the salt out of the body before it has time to build up the electrolytes. I have never had this problem and I use to load canoes in summer heat, that however doesn't mean others might not. The best advice I heard if you are out in the summer heat and chugging water, is to eat some fruit. It will make sure that you don't do anything I just said. I don't know the nature of this science, I just drink when I'm thirsty and I've been fine my whole life, but I have not been a super athlete either.

    looking at this website is says that triathletes can suffer from this sometimes and explains why:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Other drinks have health benefits that water does not have. But I don't think that drinking only water could hurt you. Unless you are forcing yourself to drink water when you are not thirsty and to the point of being unfortable then you are likely not getting too much. Water intoxication comes from someone purposely chugging a massive amount quickly.
  • jaramae
    jaramae Posts: 100 Member
    Thanks for the insights guys.

    I drink a normal amount each day. I was more concerned if drinking pretty much only water had any severe issues but as I suspected it'll probably do more good than harm :)