Need exercise/fitness tips!

Hey MFP! So, what would your daily exercise routine be if you couldn't do any cardio like running, walking, biking, or swimming?

Back story: I have "exercise induced asthma", in quotes because I haven't responded to any of the medications, so I'm not sure anymore if that's a correct diagnosis. Usually after three minutes of running I have an asthma attack. Two weeks ago it only took 1 minute of running to have one, so I've been a scaredy-cat and haven't gotten on the treadmill or done any other cardio like running, swimming, or biking. I don't want to do walking right now because I messed up my calves while doing incline work. I've been stretching them everyday, but haven't felt any improvement. Also, don't have access to a pool or a bike (saving up for a bike/scouring garage sales currently).


  • gail2207
    Try some yoga and muscle stretches, maybe some light weights as well to tone your body.
  • hum72
    Pilates is a nice alternative. Works the core and isn't high impact.
  • Fit4_Life
    Fit4_Life Posts: 828 Member
    Try some yoga and muscle stretches, maybe some light weights as well to tone your body.
    Pilates is a nice alternative. Works the core and isn't high impact.

    I agree~
  • harm_ny
    I do yoga, pilates, and "heavy" (for me haha) weight training. I was wondering if there are other exercises with more burn?